Smart Model Information Tab - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version

Create a single Smart Model?

Displays if you selected multiple files of the same file type. This option applies to the following file types:

  • .dgn, .dtm, .prp, or .rvm files

  • .pcf or .idf files

Click Yes to create a single .vue file, or click No to create individual Smart Models, one per each source file.

If you select source files of different types, Smart Interop Publisher generates a Smart Model for each source file.

If you are working with MicroStation V8 source files, the Translate each V8 design model separately option in the MicroStation translation settings affects the number of Smart Models that are created. This option causes Smart Interop Publisher to create a separate Smart Model for each design model that is in the selected V8 .dgn source file. For example, if you have two .dgn source files with each containing two design models, then Smart Interop Publisher generates four Smart Models. See Define Translation Settings and MicroStation options.

Smart Model Name

Defines the name. By default, the name of the source file displays in the field. You can keep that name or type in a new one. Names are not case sensitive. If you set the MicroStation translation setting to generate Smart Models for design models in a V8 .dgn file, Smart Interop Publisher uses the naming convention [file name]_[Smart Model name] for the generated Smart Model.

Smart Model Location

Defines the path to store the Smart Model and all generated project files. The default location is the \SmartFiles subfolder in the Shared Content Location (defined in Project Settings > General). Use the default location or change it.

Settings Group

Defines the translation settings to use for the graphics. Use the Default translation settings group, or you can select a user-defined custom group. See Define Translation Settings.

Mapping Files

Specifies the type of mapping. Select Default to use the delivered mapping files. Select Custom to use your modified mapping files. Select Generic to use the generated mapping file.

Mapping Files Location

Specifies the folder containing the mapping files being used. For Custom or Generic types, the project Shared Content Location (defined in the Project settings > General tab) is listed by default. Use the provided location or change it. To extend the default mapping to use either the Custom or Generic mapping option, see Configure Mapping to Control Model Display.

Reduce geometry size

Provides a memory reduction setting to decrease the size of your translated file so that more graphic objects can be loaded and displayed. The data reduction that can be done depends on the dataset. The Reduce geometry size option, which is enabled by default, translates source files and converts the graphics to a more efficient representation by:

  • Replacing geometry representations that take more memory with representations that take less memory, when possible.

  • Discarding geometry not required for review such as edge lines and control points.

  • Replacing multiple plane geometries with a single polymesh geometry.

  • Removing duplicate points or redundant data.

The translation also does not change the appearance of the graphics. The translated files are smaller, resulting in faster load times and faster frame display rates in the Smart Review, Smart 3D, and SPF Portal target applications. If the option is turned off, Smart Interop Publisher does not perform any optimization or changes to the source files graphics. This option does not apply to MicroStation V7 .dgn source files.

The Reduce geometry size and Remove outliers options create GPolyMesh type geometries in the translated Smart Models. Polymesh geometries can impact Smart 3D modeling operations such as placing structures and selecting surfaces or planes to create relationships. You might also encounter problems with clash detection and drawings. For translated Smart Models, clear the selected removal option and Update the Smart Model to remove the issues in Smart 3D.

Change SmartSolids to Surfaces for V7 DGN files

Changes the SmartSolid display from wireframe to surface mode. If you do not select this option, SmartSolids are automatically translated to display in wireframe mode. This option displays when:

  • There is a .dgn selected as one of the source files.

  • You have MicroStation J (ver. 07.01) installed. If you do not have MicroStation V7.01 installed, but you have a .dgn file as one of your source files, this option displays, but it is not available.


Opens a scheduling dialog for you to set up a later time to translate the selected source files. When the source files are translated into a Smart Model, you can schedule updates if the source files are going to be changing at certain time intervals. See Schedule a translation job and Schedule a Smart Model update job.

If the Schedule button is not active, make sure you have the Intergraph Batch Services and the Intergraph Smart Licensing client applications installed on the same computer on which Smart Interop Publisher is installed.


Generates the Smart Model using the current information and all required files for the selected target applications.