Mapping Options - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version

Property Data Mapping:

  • Default - Use the delivered mapping files available for several format types. The mapping file provides the definition of classes, interfaces, properties, and mappings for a basic set of items common to the specified authoring tool data sets. The default location for these files is [Install drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\3DInteropMappingFiles.

    Do not edit the default mapping files. These files are delivered with each release of Smart Interop Publisher, so any edits you make are overwritten unless you move the files before you upgrade.

  • Custom - Use mapping files that can overwrite or extend the delivered default mapping to include new classes and properties, or map any unmapped properties. Smart Interop Publisher provides template mapping files that can be populated with your required mapping information. Each delivered default mapping file corresponds to a custom mapping file of the same data source type. For example, to map data from PDMS, the PDMSToR3DMapping.xls default mapping file, and the CustomPDMSToR3DMapping.xls template mapping file are provided. Modify the CustomPDMSToR3DMapping.xls.

  • Generic - Use a generic mapping file named GenericToR3DMapping.xls. To accommodate a wide variety of authoring tools, Smart Interop Publisher supports .drv files written to Intergraph-defined specifications. Any authoring tool that can generate a .drv file can be supported in Smart Interop Publisher.

Graphics Level Mapping:

  • For CAD-based source files, Smart Interop Publisher provides a level mapping option that maps graphics levels in the source files to levels in Smart Review. During translation, Smart Interop Publisher looks in the designated mapping folders if custom or generic mapping was specified, and reads both the property mapping and level mapping files.