Add a cross-section to the catalog - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

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Follow the steps below to add a cross-section and its parameters to a delivered workbook.

  1. Identify the delivered workbook and cross-section to update. The following example uses the cross-section workbook, StructCross-Sections-AISC-LRFD-3.1.xlsx.

  2. Open StructCrossSections-AISC-LRFD-3.1.xlsx in the [Install drive]:\[Install folder]\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\CIS2Dependencies folder.

  3. Identify the cross-section in which to add the name and parameters.

    The example below shows data in the W4x13 cross-section in the W worksheet of the StructCrossSections-AISC LRFD-3.1.xlsx library.

  4. As an example, a new cross-section name, W123X456 can be placed in the W worksheet in StructCrossSections-AISC-LRFD-3.1.xlsx as shown highlighted below.

  5. In the same folder, start the MapXSections.exe application to overwrite the existing mapping .xml file of the cross-section workbook with the updated contents.

  6. In the CIS/2 Mapping Filename section, click the Browse button and add the .xml file name being generated.

  7. Click Generate Mapping File.