User Information - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.2 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Administration (10.2)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Administration & Configuration
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

On the A.20.05 User screen, you can save user-specific information such as first name, last name, telephone number, and so forth.

Users are created on A.60.01.01 Create User.

The User field shows the unique identifier of the user; this identifier is used to log in to Smart Materials. The First Name, Last Name, Telephone, Fax, Company, Department, Managed by, and Email fields can be used to store the corresponding values. The Company field does not have a link to A.10.23 Companies.

Email addresses can only be maintained by users with the MAINTAIN USER EMAIL privilege. The email address will be used by the software for all emails sent out to the user; for example, when the user is added to an approval sequence, starting this approval sequence will automatically send emails.

The Notify on Login check box is not used anywhere in the software, but you can use it with CIP's, for example, to include or exclude users depending on the setting of this check box.

The user password handling is controlled by the setting of several fields. With PW Change Interval, you define the number of days that the password is valid. When greater than 0, it will enforce users to change their password in the specified period. The setting of PW History Size defines the number of passwords kept in history, which cannot be reused. This history is used to prevent users from using the same password in a short period of time when changing passwords. The Complex PW indicator controls if the user has to define a complex password, with a length at a minimum of eight characters and according to the rules defined in the CIP m_pck_security_custom.check_complex_password. When the USER_COMPLEX_PW DBA setting is set to Y, you cannot clear the Complex PW check box for any user. Furthermore, when you set the Complex PW check box for an existing user, the user password is checked against the password complexity policy. You will be notified if the password does not meet the complexity policy.

The W. Attempts field shows the number of password failed attempts. If a user enters the wrong password three times in a row, his account will be locked and the Locked indicator checked. To unlock the user account, the super user must set a new password for the user on A.60.01.03 Change Password.

The Global Access check box is an indicator for whether a user has access to all product groups and projects for all disciplines. When setting this check box, the software checks if the role exists that is assigned to DBA Setting SUPER_USER_ROLE. If this role does not exist, a role named SUPER USER is created (if it does not yet exist), and all available menu items are assigned to this role (if not assigned already). This role grants full access to all modules and screens. Furthermore, user security entries are created (see A.20.06.01 and A.20.06.02 screens) for the user with the Super User role assigned, for all combinations of product groups/projects and disciplines. The user security records are created in the language that is specified with project default ZX_ADMLANG (if ZX_ADMLANG is not set, English with NLS=1 is used). Moreover, all disciplines are assigned as queryable disciplines, and all available privileges are granted to the user.

When clearing the Global Access check box, all of these rights are revoked. That is, the assignments of the user to the 'SUPER USER' role are taken back, the queryable disciplines are removed, and the privileges are withdrawn.

With the Password via Email setting, you define whether a newly generated password can be sent to a user via email if he has forgotten his password and has entered a wrong password three times in a row.

  • If this indicator is set to 'No', the user must contact the administrator to get a new password.

  • If this indicator has been set to 'Only with secret question', the user must enter the correct answer to the secret question he has defined for himself on the A.60.01.03 Change Password screen. If the answer is correct, a new password is generated automatically and sent to the user via email. No further actions by the administrator are required.

  • If this indicator has been set to 'Yes', a new password is generated automatically and sent to the user via email.

Only users logged in with the role that is assigned to DBA setting SET_PASSWORD_OPTION can change this indicator.

The OS User field specifies the operating system user name. This OS user is used when the Single Sign On functionality is activated, which means the user is automatically logged in when starting a Smart Materials session. To activate the single sign on functionality, set the SINGLE_SIGN_ON DBA setting to ON. For more information, see Single Sign On.

With the Allowed Amount value in combination with the Currency value, you define the maximum amount this user is allowed to approve. Only users with the UPDATE ALLOWED AMOUNT privilege are allowed to set or update the value in the Allowed Amount field.

The date when the user was created is stored in the Created Date field. The date when the first user security record was created for the user is stored in the Activated Date field.

Authentication User specifies the registered user name in the authorization servers such as OKTA or SAM. The user name must be unique. This information is only used by Smart Reference Data.

Double-click on the User field to open Window 2, which shows all the un-subscribed messages for the selected user.

You can add and remove messages on this screen. Adding a message has the same effect as using the Show never again button. Removing a message from the list means that the warning message will be displayed again.

To unsubscribe from a message, the user clicks the Show never again button when a warning message occurs.

See also Messages.