Requisition Header - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

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On the main window of R.30.01, the requisition header information is displayed and maintained; in addition, manual requisitions are created here.

The R.30.01 Maintain Requisitions screen provides CWS (Core Workflow Screen) functionality. For more information about the CWS, see Core Workflow Screens.

The fields and buttons of this screen are described below, in the order they appear on the screen when using the standard configuration.

The Go item… dropdown list can be used to quickly move the cursor to a specific field. Select the field from the list and the cursor immediately jumps to this field.

If you want to change the requisition display context, double-click in the Context field to open the A.60.61 User Preferences screen. Use the dropdown list in the Req Display Context field to select an option from the list. The following options are available:

All - All engineering requisitions will be displayed without exception (default).

Max Suppl - The maximum supplement of each engineering requisition is displayed.

Released - Only requisitions that have been released to procurement are displayed.

Unreleased - Only requisitions not yet released to procurement are displayed.

Approved - Only requisitions already approved are displayed.

Not Approved - Only requisitions not yet approved are displayed.

Ready for Approval - Requisitions marked as ready for approval are displayed.

Changed Quantities - Only requisitions with at least one line item the quantity of which has changed (that is, increased quantity differs from 0) will be displayed.

Revised Reqs - Engineering requisitions with supplement 0 that may only be used for inquiries can be revised by an MTO job. Inquiries already exist for these ERs and can be updated. When selecting this context, only revised, inquiry only requisitions are displayed.

After selecting the display option, click OK to close the A.60.61 screen and to apply the selected option.

Engineering Requisition

If you want to create a new engineering requisition and the project default ZP_MS_PLAN is set to Y, you can only select an engineering requisition from a plan, which was defined on the P.60.03 Requisitions Planning screen. When creating a new record, the LOV in the Engineering Requisition field pops up automatically. It displays the planned requisitions pre-defined on P.60.03. Select a requisition from the list and click OK. The Engineering Requisition, Requisition Type, Agreement Type, Purchase (check box), Pricing Type, Short Desc, Description and Original Budget fields will be populated automatically from P.60.03.

If you want to create a new engineering requisition and the project default ZP_MS_PLAN is not set or set to N, you must enter all required data manually or you can populate plan data from P.60.03 as described above. To populate plan data, click the LOV button in the Engineering Requisition field, select a requisition from the list, and click OK.

If you create the requisition manually, without selecting a plan from the LOV, enter the name of the requisition in the Engineering Requisition field in uppercase letters and not exceeding 50 characters. This name must be unique within the project in combination with the supplement, the Purchase indicator, and the origin assigned to the requisition. If a requisition is created manually, the background color of the Engineering Requisition field is set to cyan.

If the project default ZR_MAN_RR is assigned to a requisition numbering rule, that rule is used as the default for numbering the manually created requisition.Only users with the ALLOW MANUAL RN MODIFICATION privilege can modify the requisition number/name that was generated automatically based on the rule. Users without this privilege cannot change the requisition number/name.

If the requisition was created by an MTO job, the name will be generated using the requisition number rule assigned to the MTO type of the MTO job.


The supplement is set to 0 (zero) per default in the Suppl field; this value cannot be changed.

Select the Purchase indicator if this requisition shall be used for both purchasing and inquiries. Clear this indicator if this requisition shall be used only for inquiries.


Next, select the origin of the requisition from the LOV in the Origin field. The origin represents whose office is the originator of the requisition and responsible for the information. Per default, the value assigned to the project default ZX_ORIGIN is filled in when manually creating the requisition; this value can be changed. Double-click in the Origin field to open the A.10.33 Origins screen, where the origins are defined.

MR Rev

The MR (document) revision indicates a document change and is set automatically in the MR Rev field when creating a requisition manually or via MTO job.

Changing attached notes or text and terms is not considered as document change and does not have an impact on the MR Rev.

For manual requisitions, the MR Rev is controlled by the project defaults

  • ZR_PO_MR - holds the MR revision scheme for purchase requisitions

  • ZR_INQ_MR - holds the MR Revision scheme for inquiry requisitions

For example, P#N1, E#CA, #N1 are valid schemes. P#N1 would generate a sequence P1, P2, P3 …, E#CA would generate a sequence EA, EB, EC ..., and #N1 would generate a sequence 1,2,3,4...

If these project defaults are not set, the MR revision starts with 0 (zero) in the case of a purchase requisition and with A in the case of an inquiry requisition.

For MTO requisitions, the MR Rev value is controlled by the values entered in the PO MR Scheme and INQ MR Scheme fields on R.10.41 Nodes and Templates window 2. If these fields are empty (NULL), the MR revision starts with 0 (zero) in the case of a purchase requisition and with A in the case of an inquiry requisition.

SR Rev

The SR revision is set automatically in the SR Rev field. For manual requisitions, it is controlled by the project defaults

  • ZR_PO_SR - holds the SR revision scheme for purchase requisitions

  • ZR_INQ_SR - holds the SR Revision scheme for inquiry requisitions

For example, P#N1, E#CA, #N1 are valid schemes. P#N1 would generate a sequence P1, P2, P3 …, E#CA would generate a sequence EA, EB, EC ..., and #N1 would generate a sequence 1,2,3,4....

If these project defaults are not set, the SR revision starts with 0 (zero) in the case of a purchase requisition and with A in the case of an inquiry requisition.

For MTO requisitions, the SR Rev value is controlled by the values entered in the PO SR Scheme and INQ SR Scheme fields on R.10.41 Nodes and Templates window 2. If these fields are empty (NULL), the SR revision starts with 0 (zero) in the case of a purchase requisition and with A in the case of an inquiry requisition.

Requisition Type

The type of the requisition can be either ‘Order’ or ‘Subcontract’, to be selected from the dropdown list in the Requisition Type field. If you select Subcontract from the list, you will be asked for creation of a requisition line item. If you confirm, the first requisition line item will be created automatically. The creation of the first line item is managed by means of the project defaults ZR_SC_ITY, ZR_SC_PART, and ZX_QTY. For further details about these project defaults, read Smart Materials Project Defaults .

For more information about subcontracts, read Subcontracting Overview.

Agreement Type

You can now select the type of the agreement from the LOV in the Agreement Type field. The available types depend on the requisition type, the purchase indicator of the requisition, and the setting of the project default ZP_CONSPCI. If the purchase indicator is not selected (inquiry requisition) and ZP_CONSPCI is set to Y (default), only the agreement type 'Blanket Order' is available for requisition type 'Order' and only agreement type 'Master Agreement' for requisition type 'Subcontract'. If the requisition can be used for purchasing or if project default ZP_CONSPCI is set to N, more agreement types are available. These types are listed below.

Requisition type ‘Order':

  • Blanket Order

  • Purchase Order

  • Notice of Commitment

  • Notice to Proceed

  • Blanket Order Release

  • Field Order

  • Rental Order

Requisition type 'Subcontract':

  • Master Agreement

  • Subcontract

  • Notice of Commitment

  • Notice to Proceed

  • Service Agreement

  • Work Order

Pricing Type

Select the pricing type from the LOV in the Pricing Type field. Double-click in this field to open the P.10.66 Pricing Types screen, where the pricing types are defined.


The status defined as the default is set automatically when creating a new requisition. To change the status, you can select a value from the LOV in the Status field. All non-production statuses are available for selection. Double-click in this field to open the R.10.11 Req Status screen, where the statuses are defined. The status defined as the production status will be set automatically when releasing the requisition to procurement.

Release Context

With the selection of the release context in the Release Context field, you specify for a purchase requisition which requisition line items will be released to procurement when releasing the requisition. The available options are listed below.

All Quantities - All line items will be released provided that either the Allow RTP or the Force RTP indicator is set. The software will not create a new requisition supplement.

Shortage Quantities - Only line items with a positive increased quantity and with selected Allow RTP check box or selected Force RTP check box will be released to procurement.

Surplus Quantities - Only line items with a negative increased quantity and with selected Allow RTP check box or selected Force RTP check box will be released to procurement.

Changed Quantities - All line items will be released provided that either the Allow RTP or the Force RTP indicator is set. The software will not create a new requisition supplement.

New Line Items - All line items that cannot be found on a previous requisition supplement will be released, as long as the increased quantity is positive, and the Allow RTP check box or the Force RTP check box is selected.

With the Shortage Quantities, Surplus Quantities, and New Line Items options, a new requisition supplement will be created automatically. It will contain all line items of the current supplement. But the increased quantity is set to 0 for all line items that have been released by this step. This offers you the possibility to change the release context and then to release for example all negative lines if you have now released all positive lines. Moreover, the increased quantity of all line items that were not released to procurement is set to 0 (zero) on the current supplement.

For inquiry-only requisitions (Purchase indicator is not checked), the release context is not relevant. All line items with these characteristics will be released: (1) the increased quantity is not 0 (zero) and the Allow RTP check box is selected or (2) the Force RTP check box is selected.

Use this option in conjunction with the Scope of Interest field on the R.20.01 MTO Jobs screen. If you select ‘Shortage Quantities’ there, the MTO job only calculates shortage quantities and thus the requisition will contain only line items with shortage quantities.

Rel To Proc

The date when this engineering requisition was released to procurement will automatically be stored in the Rel To Proc field by the system when clicking the Release button. If the Rel To Proc field is filled, it indicates that the requisition was released to procurement.

Note: A requisition that is released cannot be unreleased by the user on this screen; this has to be done on the R.40.11 Requisition Tools screen by changing the status. For more information, see Update Requisition Status.

Rel To Proc By

The name of the user who has released the requisition to procurement appears in this field. When the requisition is not released, the Rel to Proc By field remains empty.

Buy Cycle

The name of the requisition buy cycle can be selected from the LOV in the Buy Cycle field. It is recommended to use an increasing numeric sequence for this name; the buy cycle name must be numeric. Double-click in this field to open the R.10.12 Req Buy Cycles screen where buy cycles are defined. The buy cycle can be used for reporting purposes; it is not used anywhere else in Smart Materials.


Indicator whether notes have been attached to this requisition. Double-click on this check box to open the D.30.21 Attached Notes screen.

TE Rqd

Select the TE Rqd (Technical Evaluation required) indicator if this requisition must be committed by a technical engineer after it has been released to procurement. When manually inserting line items on a requisition, the value of this indicator is taken over to the line items as the default value; it can be changed there. Note that since this is specified in the E&PI module, it is normally under the control of the engineering department. This cannot be changed later and therefore ensures that the PO cannot be released without technical approval.


Select the RfA (Ready for Approval) indicator if this engineering requisition is completed and ready for approval. If the project default ZR_ADV_APP is set to Y, the requisition can only be approved if this check box is checked. The check box does not have any function if ZR_ADV_APP is set to N.

When you select the RfA check box, the CIP function m_pck_req_custom.check_rfa is executed. This CIP can be used to add your validation code so that the RfA check box can be set only when the requisition meets your requirements for starting the approval process. If the CIP function returns a value unequal to zero (0), the check box is cleared and an error message is displayed with the error explanation coming from the CIP function. If the function returns zero (0), the selection of the RfA check box is accepted.

When you select the RfA check box and save the changes, the CIP append_approval_document from the MAR_CUSTOM.pll library is executed. You can use this CIP to create and/or upload a document to the UTL file directory on the database server. This document is attached to the ready for approval e-mail messages that are sent out to the approvers.

The call to m_pck_email_send_rec.store_approval_file_name in the CIP is essential for this functionality and must not be removed from the CIP code.

If no document is specified or the specified document does not exist, the e-mails are sent out anyway.

Approved Date

The date when this engineering requisition was approved will automatically be stored in the Approved Date field by the approval procedure. If the Approved Date field is filled, it indicates that the requisition was approved.

If an approval is to be undone, the value of this field must be deleted. Only users who are allowed to approve engineering requisitions (ER APPROVAL privilege granted) can take back an approval. But this is only possible as long as the requisition has not been released to procurement.

If the approved date is reset to NULL, the actual date of the milestone for the event 'R.30.01 - Requisition Approval' will be set to NULL. But this is only done if you have decided on automatic milestone tracking (project default ZP_MS_TRCK set to 'Y').

Read the description for the Approve / Release button for more details about engineering requisition approval.

Approved by

The name of the user who approved this engineering requisition will automatically be stored in the Approved by field by the approval procedure. If the Approved by field is filled, it indicates that the requisition was approved.


The name of the user who created the engineering requisition is automatically stored in the Originator field. This name can be overwritten; you can enter any user who has write access permission for the R.30.01 screen for the current project and discipline, granted via A.20.06.02 User Security for Projects.

Template Set

Emails may be generated based on the requisition for any purpose required by the project. You can select an email template set from the LOV in the Template Set field. Double-click in the Template Set field to open the A.10.53 Email Template Sets screen, where email template sets are defined.

Matl/Work Group

You can select a material/work group from the LOV in the Matl/Work Group field.

If technical questions are defined for the selected material or service, these questions are attached to the requisition and the line items. Click Attachments to open the Technical Questions tab on D.90.21 to view the questions.

Double-click in the Matl/Work Group field to open the P.10.42 Material/Work Groups screen, where material/work groups are defined. Suppliers may be categorized in the MSCM module in several ways. One category is the material/work groups they have been ‘qualified’ to supply. This makes the process of selecting bidders more reliable and simple. The matl/work group entered here will be set as the default in the Matl/Work Group field on the Suggested Bidders tab on window 2 of this screen and thus restrict the list of available bidders to bidders assigned to the selected matl/work group.


The revision of the selected material/work group is displayed in the Rev field.


A section can be used to restrict the access to a requisition for users in MSCM. You can select a section from the LOV in the Section field. Double-click in the Section field to open the P.10.36 Sections screen, where sections are defined.

If no sections have been assigned to users on the A.20.06.02 User Securities for Projects screens or to roles on the A.30.03 Roles/Menus screen, the entered section will not have any impact and all requisitions are displayed on the P.30.01 Requisition Workload screen.

If sections have been assigned to a user, this user will only see requisitions on P.30.01 that have one of these sections or no section assigned. The sections assigned to the role will not be considered.

If no section is assigned to the user, but sections have been assigned to the role with which the user is logged in, this user will only see requisitions on P.30.01 that have one of these sections or no section assigned.


The category provides a means of globally categorizing requisitions, for example, bulk, tag, or service requisitions. You can select a category from the LOV in the Category field. Double-click in the Category field to open the R.10.14 Req Categories screen, where categories are defined.

Account Code

Account codes can be assigned manually or automatically via the use of a CIP procedure, which must be defined by the customer. The advantage of assigning requisitions to an account code is that financial reporting can be done against the subsequent purchasing of the material. The account code can also be linked in later modules of Smart Materials. Account codes can also be assigned at the requisition line item level, not only at the header.

You can select an account code from the LOV in the Account Code field. Double-click in the Account Code field to open the A.10.30 Account Codes screen, where account codes are defined.

The value of this field cannot be changed if you are using the account code module, meaning the project default ZJ_USE_AC is set to Y. In that case, you must use the J.20.01 Requisition Accounts screen to maintain the account code information.

If you create a requisition based on a requisition plan defined on P.60.03, the account code is taken over from the requisition plan.

Original Budget

The Original Budget field can be used, for example, for estimated values or for a total budget greater than the total of the line item budget values, to have a kind of buffer.

Total Budget

The Total Budget value will be calculated as the sum of all line item budget values of this engineering requisition. It cannot be inserted or updated manually.

SHARED Tip If you want to check whether the original budget and the total budget of a requisition match before marking the requisition as ready for approval or approving and releasing the requisition, you can use either the CIP m_pck_req_custom.check_rfa or the CIP m_pck_req_custom.approve_req. An example for the code required for this check is shown below:

SELECT original_budget,
  INTO l_original_budget,
  FROM m_reqs
WHERE r_id = p_r_id;

IF l_original_budget <> m_pck_req_ui.get_total_budget(p_r_id, l_currency_id) THEN
  (RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR in case of approve_req
    v_ret := 1; p_error_msg := ‘Budgets not matching’; in case of check_rfa)


When creating a new requisition, the currency of the budgets is automatically filled in the Currency field, using the value assigned to project default ZX_CURCY. In this field, the name (code) of the currency of the budget is displayed. You can overwrite or manually insert the currency by selecting a value from the LOV. All currencies defined on A.10.12 Units of Measure underneath unit group 'CURRENCY' are available for selection. Double-click in the Currency field to open the A.10.12 Units of Measure screen.

Blanket Order

Select the blanket order from the LOV in the Blanket Order field. The LOV shows all approved blanket orders created on P.50.07 Maintain Agreements. Double-click in the Blanket Order field to open a new window where you can assign multiple blanket orders to the requisition. If more than one blanket order has been assigned, the Blanket Order field is displayed with magenta background color.

Blanket orders can only be assigned to engineering requisitions of type ‘Order’ and with the Purchase indicator selected (purchase requisition).

The blanket order is not taken over when you create a requisition supplement. If such an assignment is required on a supplement > 0, you can enter it manually here or on the P.30.01 Requisition Workload screen. Usually, the blanket order is only required for the first requisition supplement. Later agreement supplements are created based on the first agreement supplement (Create supplement option on the P.30.01 screen) and not based again on the blanket order.

Master Agreement

Select the master agreement from the LOV in the Master Agreement field. The LOV shows all approved master agreements created on P.50.07 Maintain Agreements. Double-click in the Master Agreement field to can open a new window where you can assign multiple master agreements to the requisition. If more than one master agreement has been assigned, the Master Agreement field is displayed with magenta background color.

Master agreements can only be assigned to engineering requisitions of type ‘Subcontract’ and with the Purchase indicator selected (purchase requisition).

When assigning a master agreement to a requisition, you are asked if you want to transfer the data of the master agreement to the requisition. If you click Yes, the agreement line items are taken over if the requisition does not have any line item. Regardless of whether the requisition has line items or not, the price breakdown (= schedule of values), the scope of work, and the SOW milestones data are taken over.

The master agreement is not taken over when you create a requisition supplement. If such an assignment is required on a supplement > 0, you can enter it manually here or on the P.30.01 Requisition Workload screen. Usually, the master agreement is only required for the first requisition supplement. Later agreement supplements are created based on the first agreement supplement (Create supplement option on the P.30.01 screen) and not based again on the master agreement.

Inquiry Requisition

You can link an inquiry requisition to a purchase requisition. This inquiry requisition can only be linked by selecting a value from the LOV in the Inquiry Requisition field if the selected requisition fulfills the following criteria:

  • The requisition must be for purchase (Purchase indicator selected).

  • The supplement of the requisition must be 0.

  • The requisition must not be approved.

  • The login discipline and the requisition discipline match.

The list of values shows the inquiry requisitions with the same origin and the same MTO type as the selected purchase requisition. This inquiry requisition must be approved and released to procurement. When linking a purchase requisition with an inquiry requisition, all attachments like attached attributes, documents, text and terms, VDRs, and notes of the inquiry requisition are taken over to the purchase requisition both on the header and on the line item level. Once an inquiry requisition has been linked to a purchase requisition, this inquiry requisition cannot be revised any longer. That is, the New Supplement button is no longer available for the inquiry requisition. Further, you will not be able to create additional inquiry requisition supplements via MTO.

When approving a purchase requisition with supplement 0, if this requisition has not been linked to an inquiry requisition, a corresponding warning appears allowing you to abort the approval procedure and create this link. But you can also approve a requisition without this link.

Linking a purchase requisition to an inquiry requisition allows procurement to create agreements based on the quotes that have previously been created for the inquiry requisition. Thus, it is possible to take over the results of the inquiry cycle such as costs, attachments, or commercial conditions to the agreements.

For purchase requisitions that have been linked to an inquiry requisition, the Create from Inquiry option on the P.30.01 Requisition Workload screen will be available. Please read the description of this option in the P.30.01 online help for more details on how the agreements are created based on the quotes.

Milestone Set

Milestone sets created in the MSCM module can be linked to a requisition by selecting the set from the LOV in the Milestone Set field. In this way, the milestone dates referring to the requisition can be automatically completed (for example, the requisition approval date, issue date, and so forth). Double-click in this field to open the P.10.62 Milestone Sets screen, where milestone sets are defined.

If you enter or update a milestone set, the CIP procedure m_pck_req_custom.ms_reference is called. If the project default ZP_MS_CRT is set to Y, this CIP automatically creates entries on P.60.01 Tagged Items Planning and P.60.03 Requisitions Planning, respectively, in case these entries are not yet available.

MS Link

The MS Link indicator shows whether a milestone link between the milestone set and the requisition is present or even exists.

If a requisition has also been planned on the P.60.03 Requisitions Planning screen, a milestone link is present. If the milestones have already been created and forecasted, the link may even already exist.

This milestone link is created automatically if a milestone set is entered manually on the requisition or if the MTO job has been started and the project default ZP_MS_CRT is set to Y.

Expediting Level

You can assign an expediting level to the requisition. Select it from the LOV in the Expediting Level field. Double-click in this field to open the P.10.55 Expediting Levels screen, where expediting levels are defined (type Expediting).

Inspection Level

You can assign an inspection level to the requisition. Select it from the LOV in the Inspection Level field. Double-click in this field to open the P.10.55 Expediting Levels screen, where inspection levels are defined (type Inspection).

Criticality Level

You can assign a criticality level to the requisition. Select it from the LOV in the Criticality Level field. Double-click in this field to open the P.10.55 Expediting Levels screen, where criticality levels are defined (type Criticality).

Short Desc/Description

Enter a language dependent short description/description for the requisition in the Short Desc/Description field. When you change the short description/description of an MTO requisition, a dialog box appears.

Click the Keep on further Suppl button if the short description/description will be reused in the next supplement of the MTO requisition. The MTO job will now ignore the requisition description rule and use the manually updated requisition short description and description from the previous requisition supplement. Click the Update only this Suppl button if your changes should be applied to the current supplement only. To cancel the update, click the Cancel button.

Req Node Path

The path of the requisition in the requisition nodes tree is entered automatically by the MTO job in the Req Node Path field. In the case of manually created requisitions, you must select a node from the LOV. Click the LOV button in the Req Node Path field to open the R.10.41 Nodes and Templates LOV window as displayed in the picture below.

Select the node you want to assign and click OK. To close the LOV without selecting a node, you can click the Cancel button.

When you change the req node path of a manually created requisition to move it to another node, this will not only affect the current requisition but also all of its supplements. The message shown below will appear.

Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. If you select Yes, all supplements of the selected requisition will be moved to the new node. The message displayed below appears when the operation is done.

You cannot select a balance requisition node for a manually created requisition. Balance requisition nodes are reserved for balance MTO jobs.

MTO Type

When the requisition was created by an MTO job, the MTO type of this job is entered in the MTO Type field by the system.


When the requisition was created by an MTO job, the name of this job is entered in the MTO Job field by the system.

Created On

The creation date of the requisition is filled in the Created On field by the system.

CIP execution indicators

Several check boxes indicate if the related CIP has been executed by the MTO job for the selected requisition. For more information about the CIPs, see CIP Execution Options. The indicators with their associated CIPs are listed below.



General CIP


Calc Account


Calc Budget


Get Desig


Handle BOM Doc


Get Procure Channel


Calc ROS Date


Calc Weight


The CIPs listed above are stored in the m_pck_req_custom package.


There are two ways of releasing an engineering requisition to procurement (MSCM).

  • If you want to release a single requisition, position the cursor on that requisition and click the Release button.

  • If you want to release more than one requisition, select the Release indicator for all these requisitions and then click the Release button. All requisitions that have been marked will be released to procurement.

Attribute 1 - 10

By using the right mouse-click menu, you can add up to ten (10) attribute fields to the screen layout. For more information, see Core Workflow Screens.

If the project default ZX_HL_RQAT is set to Y and the attribute has been marked as required on A.50.01 Attributes, the background color used for required fields (green) is also used for highlighting such required attributes.

The label and hint text for the attribute fields are retrieved from the A.50.01 Attributes screen.

Double-click in the Attribute n field to open the A.50.21 Attached Attributes screen to maintain the attached attributes. Or, click the Attachments button to open the D.90.21 Attachments screen. On the Attributes tab of this screen, you can insert or update the values of the attached attributes. For more information, see Attachments.

If the attribute has already been assigned to the requisition, you can update this value, with the same restrictions and limitations as on A.50.21 Attached Attributes. This means valid values entered on A.50.01 Attributes are taken into account in the same way as the defined width of a field.

If the attribute was originally part of an attribute set and the Upd (Update allowed for requisitions) indicator of this set is not selected on A.50.04 Attribute Sets, this attribute cannot be modified. If the ER (Display allowed for requisitions) indicator of this set is not selected on A.50.04, this attribute won’t be displayed at all.

Even if the requisition has been approved, it is possible to update attached attributes and/or to insert new attributes under specific conditions as described below (applies only for attached attributes of type 'Other').

If the project default ZX_MODATTR is set to Y, you can insert new attached attributes for requisitions that are already approved. These new attributes can be updated or deleted afterwards.

Whether an attribute value of an approved requisition can be modified depends on the Allow Update indicator set on A.50.01 Attributes for this attribute and the Locked indicator not set on A.50.21 Attached Attributes. You cannot delete attached attributes from approved requisitions.

Inserting, updating, or deleting of attached attributes is only possible for the highest requisition supplement.

CIP Fields 1 - 10

By using the right mouse-click menu, you can add up to ten (10) CIP fields to the screen layout. For more information, see Core Workflow Screens.

These fields contain the return value of the function entered for this CIP field on A.30.13 Configurations for the selected engineering requisition. For more information, see Configurations.

The label of this field is determined by the CIP function m_pck_config_custom.get_cip_label using the name of the CIP as an input parameter. If this function returns NULL, the label will be set as 'CIP Field 1' (-10).

Button Bar

The picture below shows the button bar that you can find at the bottom of the R.30.01 screen.

The following sections describe the buttons in detail.