Stores Requisition Reports - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

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Stores requisitions are requisitions created by field/site, before the creation of a material issue report. The C.60.01 Stores Requisition Overview screen provides an overview of the stores requisition reports (SRRs). Additionally, you can create new SRRs on this screen.

When you create a new SRR, the SRR number is generated by the software based on the SRR number rule assigned to the user or defined as the default. For more information, see SRR Rules. You can double-click in the SRR Number field to open the C.60.02 Stores Requisitions screen.

Select the SRR type from the list in the Type field. There are four methods (types) to create an SRR:

  • Manually - A manual SRR is used to create a direct MIR on C.20.23.01.

  • By Reservation Run - An SRR by reservation is used for creating a MIR by reservation on C.20.21.

  • By Manual Reservation - An SRR by manual reservation is used for creating a direct MIR with issue type Manual on C.20.23.01.

  • By Material Receiving Report - An SRR by MRR is used for creating a direct MIR on C.20.23.01.

  • By Deferred Heat Number - An SRR by deferred heat number is used for creating a direct MIR on C.20.23.01. With this type, you can create a stores requisition without having the heat number information available. The heat numbers are assigned when the MIR is created from this SRR.

The Received By field shows the user who received this SRR, and the Issued By field shows the user who issued this SRR. You can select a user name from the LOV in both fields.

The date when the SRR was created is displayed in the SRR Creation Date field. The name of the user who created the SRR is displayed in the Created By field.

You can enter any free text in the Work Order and Work Item fields.

In the case of an SRR by a reservation run, select a reservation run from the LOV in the Reservation / MRR Number field. In the case of an SRR by an MRR, select an MRR number from the LOV.

The Run / Rev field shows the run number of the reservation run, or the MRR revision.

The date of the reservation is displayed in the Reservation Date field.

The Resv Created by field shows the user who has created the reservation run.

The MIR created? check box indicates whether a MIR has been created for the SRR.

The Reservation Requested By field shows the user who requested the reservation. You can select a user name from the LOV in this field.

Use the LOVs to enter appropriate values in the Required Delivery Date, Delivery Date, Delivery Place, and Company fields. You can enter SRR descriptions in the Short Desc and Description fields.

If a MIR has been created for the SRR, the MIR number is displayed in the MIR Number field, with the creation date in the MIR Created Date field and the posting date in the Posted Date field.

  • Whatever method is used, the items that are placed on an SRR will remain as available in the warehouse. That is, the on-hand quantity will not be changed by the SRR. However, only inventory items with an on-hand quantity greater than zero can be put on an SRR.

  • As a consequence of not changing the on-hand quantity, the inventory item can be placed on multiple SRRs.

  • Because the SRRs will be the basis for a MIR, it can also happen when creating a MIR based on an SRR that the corresponding on-hand quantities are no longer available in the inventory, and thus the MIR cannot be created with the same set of quantities like the SRR.

The SRR details are edited on the C.60.02 Stores Requisitions screen.

You can open the screen from the menu tree or by double-clicking an SRR number on C.60.01.

The first (Stores Requisition Reports) block shows the SRR header information you entered on C.60.01. You can edit this information here as well.

Depending on the SRR type, the SRR appears on the corresponding tab.

In the second (Stores Requisition) block, you assign idents to the selected SRR. The SRR type determines how you select the items:

  • Manual SRR - The multi-selection LOV in the Ident Code field shows all received inventory items.

  • SRR by Reservation - There are two ways to select the data:

    • Automatic insert - Click Populate Reservation and automatically get all reserved positions from the reservation run with their combinations of warehouse/location/status.

    • Manual insert - Pick the reserved positions using the multi-selection LOV in the BOM Path field.

  • SRR by Manual Reservation - There are two ways to select the data:

    • Automatic insert - After the header is saved, all MIR details are copied when you click Populate Manual Reservation.

    • Manual insert - The multi-selection LOV in the Ident Code field shows all received inventory items.

  • SRR by MRR - The multi-selection LOV in the Ident Code field shows all received inventory items of the MRR selected in the header.

  • SRR by Deferred Heat Number - An SRR by deferred heat number is used for creating a direct MIR on C.20.23.01. With this type, you can create a stores requisition without having the heat number information available. The heat numbers must be assigned when the MIR is created from this SRR.

    Open the LOV in the Pre Pick Ident Code box and select the ident(s) you want to add. The ident codes that do not have heat numbers assigned are displayed. Now click Post to post the SRR.

    When you click the Create MIR button, the cursor is placed in the Ident Code box. Open the LOV and select the heat number.

    Then click Create MIR again. The MIR is only created if all the ident codes have heat numbers assigned.

If you click the Create MIR button to create a direct MIR, the manual reserved MIR expires.