Attach vendor data requirements (VDRs) - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Help (10.2)

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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

Vendor data or document requirements (VDRs) define which data or documents the supplier has to provide to fulfill the material or service delivery specified with the agreement. VDRs attached to requisition, inquiry, and/or agreement line items are copied to the item shipments. Additionally, you can attach VDRs to the item shipments.

  1. Select an item shipment.

  2. Click the VDRs tab.

Add VDRs

  1. Click Add VDR Com_Add ICON.

  2. Optionally, type a sequence in the Seq cell.

  3. Click VDR Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a vendor data requirement.

  4. Optionally, click Distribution Category Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a value.

  5. Optionally, type or update the VDR description in the Short Description and Description cells.

  6. Clear Required if the VDR is not required for document management.

  7. Optionally, enter the data when the document is required in the Date Required cell.

  8. Optionally, type the number of copies required with the first issue in the First Issue Copies cell.

  9. In the Scheduled cell, enter the number of days, weeks, or months in which the documents should be delivered by the supplier.

  10. Select DAYS, WEEKS, or MONTHS from the Period dropdown list.

    This specifies the period for the Scheduled value.

  11. Click Event Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a value.

    The values in Scheduled, Period and Event together define the deadline for the document or data delivery. For example, 4 weeks after order.

  12. Select FOR INFORMATION or ISSUED FOR REVIEW in the Purpose cell, to define the purpose of the VDR.

  13. Optionally, type the number of copies required with the final issue in the Final Issue Copies cell.

  14. Type the number of weeks after which the delivery of this VDR is promised by the supplier in the Number of Weeks cell.

    The Promised Delivery shows the date when the supplier has promised to deliver the documents, calculated as agreement creation date plus the number of weeks.

  15. If the supplier revises the promised delivery date, enter the new date in Revised Delivery.

  16. When the supplier has delivered the required document, type the date in the Actual Delivery cell.

  17. Optionally, type the name of the person who received the VDR in the Received By cell.

  18. Optionally, type the priority for this VDR in the Priority cell.

  19. Optionally, type appropriate information in the following cells (free text, limited to 10 characters):

    • With Tender Period

    • With Tender Event

    • For Approval Period

    • For Approval Event

    • For Approval Schedule

    • Final Period

    • Final Event

    • Final Schedule

    • As Built Period

    • As Built Event

    • As Built Schedule

  20. Optionally, click Deliverable Status Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a status.

  21. Optionally, type a comment on the VDR in the VDR Comment cell.

  22. Select Complete when the VDR is completely fulfilled.

  23. Select Traffic VDR if the document is a default traffic document, which will be assigned automatically to packing lists (PLs) and preliminary packing lists (PPLs).

  24. Select Supplier or Freight Forwarder from the Expected From list to specify who is expected to deliver the document.

  25. Optionally, select HLO only or Hazardous only from the VDR Type list.

    HLO only means the document will be assigned only to PLs/PPLs that contain at least one heavy load object (HLO) package item. Hazardous only means the document will be assigned only to PLs/PPLs that contain at least one hazardous package item. The empty (default) value indicates, that the document will be assigned to all PLs/PPLs.

  26. Select FF Access if the freight forwarder (FF) should be able to view the documents uploaded by the supplier.

Add VDR sets

  1. Click Add VDR Set Com_Set_Add ICON.

  2. Select the VDR set.

  3. Optionally, remove details from the set by clearing the check box.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Click Save.

Delete VDRs

  1. Select a VDR.

  2. Click Delete VDR ICON Remove, and click Save.

Assign and edit VDR properties

With the use of attached properties, you can provide additional information in a flexible way. For adding properties or property sets, editing or deleting properties, proceed as follows.

  1. Click Manage Properties Com_Properties ICON.

  2. To add a new property, do the following:

    1. Click Add Property Com_Add ICON.

    2. Click Group Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a property group.

    3. Click Name Com_LOV_Add ICON and select a property.

    4. Type a property value in the Value box.

      SHARED Tip If a select list was defined for the property, you can click Com_LOV_Add ICON to select a valid value.

    5. Click Save.

  3. To add a pre-defined set of properties, do the following:

    1. Click Add Property Set Com_Set_Add ICON.

    2. Select the property set.

    3. Clear the check boxes of the properties which shall not be added.

    4. Click Add.

  4. To remove properties, do the following:

    1. Select the property you want to remove.

Click Delete Property ICON Remove.