Press Temp - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.2 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Integration (10.2)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Administration & Configuration
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The sequence, default, and title of the pressure/temperature table in the PMC file can be defined here.

The PT Prefix field contains the prefix for the name of the pressure temperature table.

The name is formed from the string mentioned above plus the spec header ID. The pressure temperature table is taken from a spec header geometric attached to the spec, which is rating dependent (defined on S.50.21). The temperature/pressure range values entered on S.50.06 do not have to necessarily be in the rating geometric. The pressure can be interpolated between the next lower and the next higher temperature of the rating geometric. For this interpolation, you must set the project default ZS_SRGH. Normally, the entries for the first (temperature) and second (rating) size range are checked for existence in the given geometric table. This check happens when ZS_SRGH is set to DEF.

If ZS_SRGH is set to ITP, the rating will be calculated by linear interpolation on the given geometric table. The temperature must be in the range of the geometric table in this case.

If ZS_SRGH is set to NCK, no check of temperature and pressure will be done against the associated geometric table.

If ZS_SRGH is set to CIP, checking will be done by the m_pck_spec_custom.chk_spec_rating_geom CIP procedure.