Create inquiry - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Web Help (10.2)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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  1. Select the Create Inquiry option.

  2. Click Continue.

  3. If the inquiry was successfully created, click OK to continue.

    An inquiry with supplement 0 (zero) will be created.

  • The inquiry number is automatically generated, if a pre-defined number rule is assigned to project default ZP_INQRULE and a pre-defined number range to project default ZP_INQRANG. If project default ZP_REQ_DP is set to Y, the number range value and the number rule are taken from the discipline of the requisition, otherwise from the currently selected discipline.

  • If project default ZP_COPYBID is set to Y, the suggested bidders are copied from the requisition and assigned as bidders to the inquiry.

  • Project default ZP_INCREQC specifies whether all requisition supplements are considered when inquiries are created. If ZP_INCREQC is set to N (default), creating an inquiry for a requisition supplement > 0, only the (increased) quantities released with this supplement are placed on the inquiry. If ZP_INCREQC is set to Y, not yet purchased quantities on previous requisition supplements are also considered.

  • If ZP_RDQTYCF is set to Y, the quantity on the inquiry is reduced by quantities available in the corporate or FIM warehouses. This means, the inquiry will only contain the remaining quantity for which you need a quote. This can lead to quotes that only contain parts of the requisition and not all released lines if some positions are completely covered by corporate or FIM warehouse quantities.