Create a new job using Run MTO - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

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  1. On the Run MTO Job page, click New Job.

  2. Enter the job name in the Job cell and add the Short Description and the Description.

  3. In the BOM Data Selection Options section, select the Minimum List Status and the Issue Status from the respective select lists.

  4. Select the check box for:

    1. Best Quantity to indicate whether the best quantity of the list positions are to be calculated.

    2. Only Endnodes to indicate whether all BOM nodes or only terminal BOM nodes should be processed.

    3. 100% BOM Pos to indicate whether the unused BOM positions are to be shown or not.

  5. In the Quantity Calculation Options section, do the following:

    1. Select the Scope of Interest from the list. The following options are available:

      1. All Quantities (default value) - All quantities will be calculated. Select this if you to uncheck the checkbox for Set Increased Quantity.

      2. Shortage Quantities - Only positive quantities will be created.

      3. Only Surplus Quantities - Only negative quantities will be generated.

      The initial value of this field is project default ZR_M_SOI.

    2. Select the Disposition Rule from the list. The following options are available:

      1. None – Indicates that there is no disposition (contingency) material. This option will also disable the disposition rule specified in the template.

      2. Fix Dispo Addend - When you select this, it calculates the recommended quantity (and hence the disposition quantity) as equal to the greater of either the current Recommended Quantity or the previous supplement Released Quantity. This option avoids unnecessary quantity changes on POs if the disposition quantity is not considered overly important.

      3. Fix Dispo Quantity – When you select this, the disposition quantity remains the same as the previous supplement.

      4. Common Rule – When you select this, the calculation of the Disposition Quantity depends on the requisition template and is based on the disposition rule functionality.

  6. Select the check box for:

    1. Set Increased Quantity - Indicates whether the increased quantity is to be set to 0 or not, after an engineering requisition has been created.

    2. List Node Factor - Indicates whether the factor entered on the BOM list node is to be taken into account during the MTO.

    3. Handle Assemblies - Helps in handling BOM positions where assemblies are placed separately

      For all notes related to the Quantity Calculation Options, refer to Quantity Calculation Options

      1. Disposition Rule: The disposition procedure uses the calculated quantity for a line item (total list quantity) to calculate a better value for the really required material, based on rules assigned to the material. The logic by which the disposition is processed (called disposition type), can vary between two MTO-Jobs of the same MTO-Type and must be entered before the MTO-Job will be started.

        1. It is not possible to do the material-disposition on engineering requisition which base on a Non-Ident-MTO.

        2. It is important to understand the different quantity fields on a requisition line before selecting the correct disposition rule option. The fields are listed below.

          • New List Quantity - When you select this, the total quantity on the current (new) BOM is used.

          • Released Quantity - Indicates the quantity that is released to procurement; by default, it initially equals the Recommended Quantity. You can edit this cell manually to change the contingency material.

          • Recommended Quantity- When you select this, the New List Quantity plus the disposition (contingency) material is used.

        3. The name of the project default for the initial value of this field is ZR_M_DISPO.

      2. Set Increased Quantity: On unchecking the checkbox, the increased quantity will be set to 0. This forces you to check the quantities, otherwise the position will not be released to procurement because there has been no change in quantity.

        • The unchecked setting is in effect only if you also choose All Quantities as Scope of Interest.

        • ZR_M_I_QTY is the default value when inserting new records.

      3. List Node Factor

        • By default, the checkbox not checked. If the checkbox is checked, it will have a negative influence on the performance of the MTO.

        • Change the default only if you know that the quantity factor of the list node is greater than 1 and has to be included in the MTO. This is done to avoid the quantity factors, included in the MTO, that have been set inconsiderately to a value greater than 1.

        • ZR_M_LNFCT is the project default for the initial value for the List Node Factor.

      4. Handle Assemblies

        • If there is already a line item with the MTO criteria (like ident, group-by-properties, ...), the quantity (from the assembly-requisition) will be added to the Total List Quantity (and -of course- the Disposition Quantity and the Total Release Quantity).

        • If there is no such line item, the procedure creates a new line item with this ident (quantity, ...).

        • This procedure is invoked only for MTO-Types which include idents because it makes no sense to handle assemblies for a Non-Ident-MTO.

        • There is a separate cell on the requisition line item called Assembly Quantity, where the resulting quantity is explicitly stored.

        • Although the line items of the assembly-requisitions can be deleted/replaced, when they will be distributed to the engineering requisition, they will not be deleted physically but set to inactive (and may not be visible in the form therefore). They will remain on the line item table to trace the derivation of assemblies.

        • If some line items of the assembly-requisitions cannot be populated to engineering requisitions (because they do not match the requisition set details) they will remain in the assembly-requisition. Therefore, it is always worth to investigate the created assembly-requisitions to see if some line items remained active. If this assembly-requisition will be released to procurement, only the active (not assigned) line items will be released.

        • Although the assembly-requisition has the same algorithm in creating supplements (otherwise it will result in a foreign key error), there is only a restricted processing for these requisitions: They will not be compared with the last supplement, they will not be included into disposition and no account code and ROS date will be calculated. With the background of releasing these requisitions to procurement, the weight will be calculated.

        • Engineering requisitions which are assembly-requisitions have a code (name) starting with Assemblies...'.

        • Project default ZR_M_ASSEM is used as default value for this checkbox.

  7. In the Requisition Options section, do the following:

    1. Select the check box For Purchase to indicate whether the line items of this engineering requisition can be used for both purchase orders and inquiries or only for inquiries.

    2. Select the check box TE Required to indicate whether the CIP procedure will be used to determine those line items that require a technical evaluation.

      For all notes related to the Requisition Options, refer to Requisition Options

      1. For Purchase :This check box indicates whether the line items of this engineering requisition can be used for both purchase orders and inquiries or only for inquiries.

        1. If this checkbox is not checked the engineering requisition can only be used for inquiries.

        2. This checkbox is part of the unique key to have the possibility to separate the resulting engineering requisitions.

        3. It is important in the procedure which creates supplements of an engineering requisition: An engineering requisition with the same name (CODE) and origin has supplement 0 (zero) if it is the first one with indicator set to 'Y' (checkbox checked) or 'N' (checkbox not checked).

        4. If procurement has already created requisitions for purchase based on the results of an inquiry cycle (via the Commercial Evaluation page) you can only continue with creating supplements for inquiry only requisitions. In this case requisitions for purchase cannot be created by an MTO job. After the inquiry only requisition supplements have been created and released to procurement it is up to procurement to either create the corresponding (not approved or released) requisition supplements for purchase or to go through another inquiry cycle for new line items.

        5. This restriction is not only valid for the actual MTO type itself but also for its parent type.

        6. Project default ZR_M_PURCH contains the default value for this field.

      2. Technical Evaluation Required: This check box is used to indicate whether the MTO job is required to set a technical evaluation on all requisition line items created by this job depending on the CIP procedure tech_eval(r_id).

        1. If the checkbox is checked, then the Technical Evaluation Required cell on requisition line items are set to no as default value or to the value of the previous requisition respectively.

        2. If the checkbox is unchecked, then the CIP procedure is used to determine those line items that require a technical evaluation.

        3. If you insert a new record the value of project default ZR_M_TEVAL is taken as default value.

  8. In the Supplement Creation Options section, select the check boxes for:

    1. Delete Unreleased Supplements - to delete any unreleased supplements.

    2. Delete Empty Requisitions - to delete empty requisitions.

    3. Delete Unchanged Requisitions - to delete unchanged requisitions.

    4. Update Inquiry Requisitions - to update the inquiry requisitions.

    5. Keep Attachments - to keep the attachments.

    6. Keep Manual Requisition Line Items - to keep all manually created requisition line items.

      For all notes related to the Supplement Creation Options, refer to Supplement Creation Options

      1. Delete Unreleased Supplements: This option is helpful because engineering requisitions of the same MTO type (from a previous MTO job), which are not released to procurement, may exist. These engineering requisitions and all related information must be deleted before a new supplement of an engineering requisition is created in the next steps of the MTO-Job. Otherwise there is more than one unreleased supplement of an engineering requisition, which causes severe problems in the downstream workflow and is thus not allowed. Requisitions assigned to a balance requisition are never going to be released and they are not deleted by MTO Job. Such requisitions are always approved and is ignored by MTO Job.

        1. If this option is checked:

          • Then in this step only UNRELEASED engineering requisitions of THE SAME MTO-TYPE is removed, if their respective requisition template is ENABLED.

          • For a requisition, the template is DISABLED, this requisition is NOT deleted, but is simply ignored completely by the MTO-Job processing, because a new supplement for such a requisition would not be created anyway when the template is disabled.

          • All other engineering requisitions which had been created by a different MTO-Type is ignored altogether, regardless whether they are released or not, and regardless whether their respective requisition template is enabled or not.

        2. If this option is unchecked, no requisitions is deleted at all:

          • If there exist unreleased requisitions of this MTO-Type where the template is enabled, the MTO-Job be terminated with an error message. As the template is enabled, creation of a new supplement would be necessary, but as the requisition(s) are unreleased AND may not be deleted, this is not allowed for the reasons outlined above.

          • If this option is unchecked and only unreleased requisitions for this MTO-Type exist where the template is disabled, MTO-Job processing continues normally, and these requisitions are ignored as in the previous case.

          • If you do not want the MTO to remove unreleased engineering requisitions at all, (i.e. you do not want to lose all your manually changes made to a particular supplement) uncheck this option.

        3. If for a given MTO-Type, you have unreleased supplements you want to keep, unreleased supplements that you want to discard, and released supplements for which you need newer ones with the most recent quantity data because of relevant quantity/data changes on the BOM, then you should perform the following steps:

          • On this page, check the Delete Unreleased Supplements checkbox.

          • In Nodes and Templates, disable those templates for which you would like to keep the unreleased requisition

          • In Nodes and Templates, enable those templates for which you would like the unreleased supplement to be discarded (i.e. deleted) and replaced by more recent ones.

        4. Project default ZR_M_DELUS is used as default value for this checkbox.

      2. Delete Unchanged Requisitions: This checkbox is used to indicate whether requisitions with no changes (in comparison to the previous supplement of the same requisition) is deleted by the MTO job in the last processing step.

        1. The default setting is to not delete such requisitions.

        2. To determine whether a requisition has changed, all line items of the new supplement are compared with the corresponding line items of the previous supplement one by one. If there is any change in the assembly quantity, list quantity, recommend quantity or the suggested release quantity, the requisition is considered to contain a change and isnot be deleted. Of course, if there are new line items on the requisition (i.e. lines that did not exist in the previous supplement, or the requisition itself is supplement 0 AND has lines) it is considered changed also.

        3. If none of these change criteria apply and the option is checked, the requisition is deleted.

        4. These criteria are evaluated BEFORE the processing for the 'Scope Of Interest' setting or the 'Set Increased Quantity' checkbox is applied.

        5. If this option is checked, empty requisitions (without line items) is deleted as well, regardless of the setting for 'Delete Empty Reqs'.

        6. The default value for this field is project default ZR_M_DELUR.

      3. Delete Empty Requisitions: This checkbox is used to indicate whether requisitions with no line items are to be deleted after the MTO.

        1. Even if this checkbox is unchecked, such requisitions Is deleted if the checkbox 'Delete unchanged Reqs' is checked because requisitions without lines are always considered unchanged.

        2. The initial value of this checkbox is project default ZR_M_DELER.

      4. Update Inquiry Requisitions: This checkbox is used to indicate whether inquiry requisitions in supplement 0 shall be revised (Y) instead of creating a supplement. Project default ZR_M_UPDIR is used to initialize this field, if the 'For Purchase' checkbox is unchecked. Otherwise this indicator is set to unchecked because this option is meaningless for Purchase Requisitions.

      5. Keep Attachments: When unreleased supplements are deleted by the MTO job and new requisitions are created, all manual changes on those deleted requisitions are lost. However, when this checkbox "Keep Attachments" is checked, the attachments of the deleted requisitions are saved temporarily and when matching requisitions are recreated, they are reattached to those; new requisitions so that your manual work is not lost.

      6. Keep manual RLI's: When unreleased supplements are deleted by the MTO job and new requisitions are created, all manual changes on those deleted requisitions are lost. However, when this checkbox "Keep manual RLI's" is checked, the manual RLI's of the deleted requisitions are saved temporarily and when matching requisitions are recreated, they are reattached to those new requisitions so that your manual work is not lost.

  9. In the CIP Execution Options section, do the following:

    1. Define how to execute General CIP Procedures by selecting a radio button.

      1. After Deleting Empty/Unchanged Requisitions - Indicates whether the empty / unchanged Requisitions will be deleted after the 'CIP's are applied on them.

      2. Before Deleting Empty/Unchanged Requisitions - Indicates that the empty / unchanged requisitions will be deleted before the CIP's are applied on them

      3. Do Not Execute - If the user selects this radio option then there will be no execution of general CIP.

    If you insert a new record the value of project default ZR_M_CIP is taken as default value.

    1. In the CIP Procedures section, select the check boxes for:

      1. Get Accounting - Indicates whether the accounting information is to be generated.

      2. Get Budget - Indicates whether budget values are to be calculated for requisitions and requisition line items.

      3. Get Designation - Indicates whether the delivery designation of a requisition line item is to be filled.

      4. Handle BOM Documents - Indicates whether to attach BOM documents or not.

      5. Get ROS Date - Indicates whether the MTO should calculate the required on-site date (ROS date) for all line items of the created engineering requisitions.

      6. Get Procure Channel - Indicates whether the procure channel is calculated or not.

      7. Get Weight - Indicates whether the MTO should calculate the material-weight for each line item of the engineering requisition.

    2. Select the Price Type from the list.

    For all notes related to the CIP Execution Options, refer to CIP Execution Options

    1. Get Accounting:

      • The data is determined by using CIP procedure std_job_id(r_id), which must be defined correctly during the Customer-Installation-Process.

      • The default value for this field is project default ZR_M_ACC.

    2. Get Budget:

      • The budget is determined by using the CIP procedure calc_budget(r_id), which must be defined correctly during the Customer-Installation-Process.

      • If the budget of a requisition or a line item cannot be calculated the value is set to 0 (zero).

      • Project default ZR_M_BUDGT contains the default value for this field.

    3. Get Designation:

      • The delivery designation is determined by using CIP procedure designation(r_id), which must be defined correctly during the Customer-Installation-Process.

      • For every line item for which the procedure does not find a delivery designation the corresponding column contains the NULL value.

      • ZR_M_DESIG is used as default value for this checkbox.

    4. Handle BOM Doc: Indicates whether to attach BOM Documents at Nodes to Requisition and the BOM documents attached at positions to the Requisition lines. No relevance for a balance MTO Job.

    5. Get Procure Channel:

      • If this field is checked the procure channels is calculated.

      • The initial value of this field is project default ZR_M_PROCC.

    6. Get ROS Date:

      • If the ROS date on a line item is changed manually after the MTO has run the system recognizes this changed value during the following MTO job and tries to assign this value to the related line item on the new engineering requisition.

      • It processes by the following rule: The indicator (for the MTO) to recognize manually changed ROS dates is, that the value for the ROS date on the line item differs from the value of the ROS date on the engineering requisition, the line item is placed on. If these date-values are different the MTO assumes that this manually set value is always better than the new derived value and puts the manually changed value from the previous MTO job on this line item. Otherwise it puts the new derived value on the line item.

      • The ROS-Date is calculated using CIP function ros_date(r_id), which must be defined correctly during the Customer-Installation-Process.

      • The related function ros_date calculates the ROS date by engineering requisition. So, all ROS dates within one engineering requisition are the same after running this procedure. The individual ROS dates per line item can be changed manually after the MTO-Job has run.

      • ZR_M_ROS is used as default value for this checkbox.

    7. Get Weight: The weight is calculated by the following rule: (Unit-Weight for the Ident) * (Line Item Quantity)

      • The unit weight for the ident is calculated using CIP function weight(ident), which must be defined correctly during the Customer-Installation-Process.

      • For all line items, the function (weight(ident)) does not find a weight, the weight is set to 0 (zero).

      • ZR_M_WGHT is the default value when you insert a new record.

    8. Price Type: Indicates the Price Type from the Price Types page.

    9. Price Display Type: Indicates whether the corresponding Price Type is associated to a catalogue or not.

  10. Click Save and then click Run Job to run the job.