Named Component Existence Report Command - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 - Help - Intergraph

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Compares the existence of user-specified named components between the PDS and the Smart P&ID databases in batch mode on the basis of a user-defined list of lines and then generates a report of the results.

If a PDS 2D P&ID database exists, then it is used with the PDS model as the basis for comparison. If it does not exist, then the Smart P&ID database is used as the basis for comparison. As part of the report, the software includes the database that the comparison was based on. The comparison does not make use of either the P&ID drawing or the PDS piping model. Therefore, the order of components is not considered in the report.

A user-defined list, design area, or model is used to define those items that are included in the report. The user-defined list must have one line ID per line. Whether you create a list or use a design area or model, the list of line IDs used to perform the comparison is included in the report.

The comparison considers the entire pipe run in both the Smart P&ID database and the PDS database. If a line ID is used in multiple Smart P&ID or is included in multiple PDS models, the complete definition of all P&IDs or models is included in the report regardless of the line-ID option that is selected.

The following items are included in the comparison report:

  • The named components in the piping design database are included and are compared on the basis of the following data:

    • Tagged piping commodities are compared on the basis of their piping component number

    • Piping specialties are compared on the basis of their piping component number

    • Inline instruments are compared on the basis of their instrument component number

  • Tagged piping commodities in the Smart P&ID database that have the following data are included:

    • The Commodity Code flag is set to by system or by user and the commodity code is defined

    • The Piping Component Number is defined

  • Piping specialties in the Smart P&ID database are determined by those piping components that have the following data:

    • The Commodity Code flag is set by the user or is blank

    • The Piping Component Number is defined

  • Instruments in the Smart P&ID database are determined by the following criterion:

    • Only those instruments that are applicable to the PDS 3D model, such as those requiring dimension definition in the RDB, as determined by an Instrument Correlation List

The Instrument Correlation List, which is necessary to define the applicable instruments for transfer, is a user-defined ASCII file in the project folder and is named pid_instrument. With this list you can specify the inclusion or exclusion of Smart P&ID instruments on the basis of their aabb or aabbcc codes. You can include or exclude groups of instruments on the basis of the aabb code for that instrument by using the appropriate keyword, either Include or Exclude, followed by the aabb code. You can specify exceptions to the aabb codes on the basis of specific aabbcc codes so that you can exclude from an Include group, or you can add those entries to an Exclude group by adding the exceptions under the line containing the Include or Exclude statement.

The ! character signifies a comment line in this ASCII file.

The following text represents the default Instrument Correlation List that defines the Smart P&ID instruments that are applicable to the PDS 3D model. In this example, the aabb code represents a substring search of the aabbcc code.

!Include all control valves
Include 7P1E
!Include all relief devices
Include 7P2C
!Include all other in-line instruments
Include 7P3C
!except for the following
!Exclude all off-line instruments
Exclude 7Q4D
!except for the following
! Exclude all system functions
Exclude 7Q5A

You can format the title page and the heading for each page of the Named Component Existence report using the win32app\ingr\pddesign\sample\pid_cmprpt.fmt file. The remainder of the report contains the following sections:

  • The list of line IDs that determine the basis for the report

  • Named components in the Smart P&ID database, that are not in the PDS 3D model, are reported with the component number and the drawing number

  • Named components in the PDS 3D model that are not in the Smart P&ID database are reported with the component number, the design area number, and the model number