Comparing Graphics and Text in PDS 2D and Smart P&ID - Intergraph Smart P&ID - Help - Intergraph

Intergraph Smart P&ID Help

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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Smart P&ID Version
9 (2019)
Smart Engineering Manager Version
10 (2019)
SmartSketch Version

In PDS 2D, graphics are called cells. These graphics include pumps, tanks, piping, valves, and other items. PDS 2D cells are grouped together in libraries. You can add and delete cells or place cells from a library into the design file.

In PDS 2D, you can record text on a label. Then, at certain times, you propagate or write the information on the labels to the database.

In Smart P&ID, graphics are called catalog items. Smart P&ID supplies a pre-loaded set of symbols. Plant administrators can create more symbols if needed. See Catalog Manager Help.

In Smart P&ID, labels play a different role than in PDS 2D. In Smart P&ID, you add or edit properties information for each item in the Properties window, and the software continuously writes this information to the database. Most labels show item properties, which are stored in the database. These labels are referred to as "driven," because they are updated as the property values of the item are updated. Smart P&ID also provides "driving" labels, which you can use to directly edit properties in the database by editing the properties of the label.