Spacing Tab - Intergraph Smart P&ID - Help - Intergraph

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Intergraph Smart P&ID
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Sets dimension spacing options. All options are a ratio of the dimension text value.

Text Clearance Gap

Sets the space between the text and the dimension line.

Dual Display Vertical Gap

Sets the space between the primary and secondary units when dual unit display is active. You can set Dual Unit Display on the Secondary Units tab so that dimensions display two units.

Line Spacing

Sets the amount of space between the superfix or subfix and the dimension text.

Dimension Above Line Gap

Sets the space between the dimension text and the dimension line.

Horizontal Tolerance Gap

Sets the space between the dimensional value and the tolerance on dimensions.

Vertical Tolerance Gap

Sets the space between the upper and lower tolerance value on dimensions.

Vertical Limits Gap

Sets the space between the upper and lower dimensional values on limit dimensions.

Symbol Gap

Sets the space between the symbol and the dimension line. You can also set the space between the symbol and the dimension text.

Prefix/Suffix Gap

Sets the amount of space between the prefix or suffix and the dimension text.

Horizontal Box Gap

Sets the space between the dimension text and the horizontal edges of the box on dimensions.

Vertical Box Gap

Sets the space between the dimension text and the vertical edges of the box on dimensions.