Smart P&ID 2019 - Intergraph Smart P&ID - Release Notes - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Release Notes

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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Release Notes
Smart P&ID Version
9 (2019)


  • SmartPlant P&ID has been renamed to Intergraph Smart® P&ID in accordance with Hexagon rebranding.

  • This version of Smart P&ID supports licensing with Intergraph Smart® Licensing Client (ISL) as well as SmartPlant License Manager (SPLM). As of December 31, 2024, Hexagon no longer generates license keys for SmartPlant License Manager. You must upgrade to Intergraph Smart Licensing. For more information, see Intergraph Smart Licensing Installation and Setup.

  • Catalog Explorer has a new look and feel with the following features for easy navigation:

    • Favorites section

    • Quick Catalog

    • Flags used to mark catalog items for searching

  • Catalog Explorer user settings can be exported / imported between users in different plants or in the same plant.

  • From Smart P&ID 2019 HF8, a new file, CatalogExplorerSettings.bin, is delivered at the top level of the reference data folder. This file contains symbol data such as reference data file paths and placement information for the delivered symbols and enables caching of the symbols to enable faster processing, reducing the time taken to load images in Catalog Explorer when multiple users are connected to the plant.

Drawing Manager

  • When the Include Subnodes command is implemented, the list view can be sorted using the column headers within each plant group node.

  • From Smart P&ID 2019 HF15, a new command, Refresh Template, is available. This command reapplies the current template settings to the selected drawings and cancels any changes made directly in the drawings such as moving or deleting a SmartFrame or a logo that originates from the template. It is recommended to run this command to refresh any corrupted template objects or new objects in drawings, especially after upgrading Smart P&ID. It is also used when you change a drawing template and you want the changes to be implemented in existing drawings associated with that template. For details, see Refresh Template Command.

Engineering Data Editor

  • A standalone Engineering Data Editor window can be opened without the need to open a drawing first.

  • The Engineering Data Editor has been enhanced with features such as search and grouping capabilities and sorting numeric data in order of SI values.

  • The current EDE view can be saved to an Excel sheet.

  • A new column filter has been added to the EDE to enable filtering of the records by column data.

  • A new command, Highlight in Drawing, is available from the shortcut menu when an item from any drawing in the plant other than the active drawing is selected in the EDE. Clicking this command opens the drawing in which the item appears and then zooms in on that item and highlights it. When the selected item is in the stockpile of the other drawing, the drawing opens with the entire EDE row representing the item highlighted.

  • A new Grouping toggle command allows users to enable or hide the Grouping area of the EDE.

  • Pagination is now available in the EDE. This feature improves performance when displaying, filtering, sorting, or searching data rows. The maximum number of data rows that can be viewed on one EDE page is 3000.

  • It is now possible to use the SP ID property in the EDE filter and layout for any item type.

Options Manager

  • From Smart P&ID 2019 HF8, a new command, Generate Symbol Images is added that generates images for all the symbols enabling the Catalog Explorer to display images of all the symbols in a plant. For details, see Generating Symbol Images.

P&ID Modeler

  • When placing a reducer on a pipe run associated with a plant group different from the one the drawing is in, the newly-created pipe run segment now maintains the same plant group association as that of the original pipe run.


  • When printing drawings with the Prevent selection of inserted objects option selected, a new option, Print inserted object in color, has been added, so that inserted objects such as the drawing border will print in color instead of grayscale.


  • The performance when displaying the list of report templates has been improved by adding a Search command to only show reports that match the search string.

SmartPlant Integration

  • The ability to choose a revision scheme (Smart P&ID or SmartPlant Foundation) has been extended to projects as well as to the As-Built in an ICC1 / ICC2 environment. The As-Built and project revision schemes are selected independently of one another.

  • Ducting items are now included in published documents. Specifically, publishing of the Ducting Materials Class property on duct runs and publishing of the Shape property with ducting components and ducting points is enabled, and the value Oval was added to the publishable values of the Shape select list.