Clean Data (Delete Orphan Model Items) - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 10 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Utilities Help

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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The clean data utility allows you to check your database for broken database relationships or orphan drawing items and to clean up the database by deleting orphan model items.

  • You must run the Clean Data utility from within the Smart P&ID modeler.

  • For easy access to this utility, you can create a custom menu in the Smart P&ID interface to run the Clean Data utility. See Create a New Menu in the Smart P&ID Help.

  • Log messages generated when orphaned records are deleted from the plant database are written to the DBCleanup.txt file in the folder assigned to the TEMP environment variable.

  • Log messages are placed in SPDelOrpModItems.log file in the folder assigned to the TEMP environment variable. The log file contains information about deleted items including the item type and SP_ID number.

Generate a Report

  1. Open a drawing in Smart P&ID.

  2. Select Tools > Custom Commands.

  3. In the Custom Commands dialog, browse to the [Product Folder]\P&ID Workstation\bin folder, and then double-click DelOrpModItems.dll.

  4. On the Clean Data dialog, select Database Report. The results are written to the DBCleanup.txt file in your localTemp folder. This report helps you decide if a manual cleanup alternative exists before using the Entire Database command to automatically delete the problems from the database.

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Perform Automatic Database Clean-Up

Before starting the clean-up, ensure that all other users have logged out of the plant.

  1. Select Entire Database to generate the report and automatically delete the problems from the plant database. This command results in the deletion of items where there are problems of referential integrity or non-unique records and includes all the clean-ups performed by the Model Items, OPCs, and Gaps options.

    Running this option results in the deletion of many corrupted records in the database. To perform a less drastic set of clean-ups, skip this step and follow the rest of the steps in this procedure.

  2. Select Model Items.

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  3. On the Delete Orphan Model Items dialog, select each model item type from Item Type Names list to see if any orphan items exist in the database. The following model item types are checked: Vessel, Mechanical, Exchanger, Equipment: Other, Equipment Component, Instrument, Nozzle, Piping Component, Ducting Component, Pipe Run, Signal Run, Duct Run, OPC, Item Note, Area Break, Room, and Room Component.

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  4. In the List view, select the model orphan items to delete, and select Delete. You can also select Delete All to select and delete all the items in the list view.

  5. Select Close to return to the Clean Data dialog.

  6. On the Clean Data dialog, select OPCs.

  7. On the Repair OPCs dialog, chose repairable or non-repairable from the OPC Type list. Repairable OPC pairs retain one link out of two between the mates. Non-repairable OPC pairs retain neither link.

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  8. Choose the OPC pair you are interested in from the OPC list, and select Fix if it is a repairable pair or Delete if it is non-repairable.

  9. Select Close to return to the Clean Data dialog.

  10. On the Clean Data dialog, select Gaps to find and repair gaps that do not have the correct representation in the database.

    We do not recommend using the Gaps command as part of your database constraint cleanup. If you find it necessary to run Gaps, you must be careful not to select Yes to a symbol that is not a gap. If you select Yes to any symbol other than a gap, you might corrupt your data set.

  11. On the Clean Data dialog, select Close to return to the design software.