Run the Service Pids utility manually using the command prompt - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 HF 29 - Help - Hexagon

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When you run the utility using the Windows Task Scheduler or the command prompt, you can repair and report drawings in projects from different sites. However, before running the utility, you must provide the necessary site, plant, and project details in an Excel file format.

For a plant with projects, such as an as-built plant, the plant and project names are different. If the plant does not have any projects, enter the plant name in the plant and project columns.

Where do I find the plant and project names?

There are different ways to obtain the necessary plant and project names. In general, look for the corresponding icons in the Plant Structures hierarchy. Each icon represents a unique plant or project.





This node is visible only if the plant has projects.

Using Drawing Manager

From the File menu, select Open database PPM All Outputs Graphicto see all the available plants and projects under the active site. In the list, the root node represents the plant. If the plant has projects, the sub-node represents a project.

Using Smart Engineering Manager

If you are an administrator or if you have necessary access to Smart Engineering Manager, you can see a comprehensive list of plants and projects under the active site.

In the tree view, expand the Plant Structures node and look for the corresponding plant and project icons.

Create the Excel file

  1. Open Microsoft Excel on your computer.

  2. In the first row, create the INI file path, plant, and project column headers.

  3. In the Excel sheet, fill in the rows with the necessary details for each project that you want to analyze.

  4. Save the Excel file in a location of your choice.

Run the Service Pids utility

  1. Open a command prompt window.

  2. Navigate to the drive where the servicepidsexe.exe executable is located.

  3. Type the following command:

    servicepidsexe.exe "[Excel file path]"

    Replace [Excel file path] with the actual path. For example, servicepidsexe.exe "C:\Users\Documents\MyExcelFile.xlsx"

  4. Press ENTER.

SHARED Tip For information on repair and report process status, check the ServicePids.log file in your temporary folder.