Enable enhanced logs - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 HF 29 - Help - Hexagon

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  • If you have customized or modified the NLog.config file, installing a hotfix does not overwrite or reset the settings to default.

  • To restore the default NLog.config file, you must first rename the existing file and then perform a repair operation on the setup. Similarly, to upgrade the NLog.config file, rename the existing file and then install the hotfix. After the new file is installed, make the necessary adjustments to include the required advanced and performance logging capabilities.

  1. Go to [Product installation folder]\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin folder and open the NLog.config file.

  2. In the code, uncomment the AdvMainLog <target> element.

    SHARED Tip To uncomment, remove both the opening <!-- and closing --> tags that surround the element.

  3. Under rules section, uncomment the ADVMAIN <logger> element.

    The next time you recreate or update the drawings, you can see more detailed information in the log file.

Increase the log level to Debug

In the ADVMAIN logger rule, change the minlevel value from "Info" to "Debug".

If you increase the log level to Debug, the application generates numerous entries, that can increase the log file size. For efficiency, the application archives the file when it reaches the 10MB size limit and saves it at the specified path. The name format for the archived log file is Smart P&ID-[yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss].log. For example, Smart P&ID-2024_04_23_15_30_32.log

Log additional performance and stability parameters

  • Enabling performance parameters might impact system performance. For more information on the performance parameters, see the NLog.config file located in the [Product installation folder]\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin folder.

  • You must be in the Performance Log Users group to see performance counters in the logs. See Add users to Performance Log Users group.

  1. To enable the performance counters, uncomment the PerfCountersLog <target> element.

  2. Choose which parameters you want to include in the log. Delete the remaining parameters.

  3. Under the rules section, uncomment the PERFCOUNTERS <logger> element.

  4. To log the performance parameters of drawing workflows, change the minlevel to Debug. The following workflows are recorded in the performance logs:

    • Open, recreate, update, copy, and import drawings.

    • Place auxiliary graphics and assemblies.

  5. If necessary, adjust the log interval. By default, it is set to one minute. To adjust, modify the PerfLogInterval variable value.

If you are unable to see CLR performance counters, open the Command Prompt as an administrator and run the following command:

lodctr C:\Windows\Inf\.NETFramework\corperfmonsymbols.ini

Can I customize the enhanced log filename and path?

Yes, you can customize both the filename and path of the enhanced log file and its archive file. In the AdvMainLog <target> element, change the folder and default values for the fileName and archiveFilename attributes.

How do I disable the enhanced logs?

  1. Go to ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin folder and open the NLog.config file.

  2. In the code, comment the AdvMainLog <target> element.

    SHARED Tip To comment, add both the opening <!-- and closing --> tags surrounding the element.

  3. Similarly, under rules section, comment the ADVMAIN <logger> element.