Run the Clean Data utility manually in the user interface (UI) - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 HF 29 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Utilities Help

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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  • You must run the Clean Data utility from within the Smart P&ID modeler.

  • For easy access to this utility, you can create a custom menu in the Smart P&ID interface to run the Clean Data utility. See Customizing the Software.

Generate a report

  1. Open a drawing in Smart P&ID.

  2. Select Tools > Custom Commands.

  3. In the Custom Commands dialog, browse to the [Product Folder]\P&ID Workstation\bin folder, and then double-click DelOrpModItems.dll.

  4. On the Clean Data dialog, select Database Report.

    The results are written to the DBCleanup.txt file in the %temp% folder. This report helps you decide if a manual cleanup alternative exists before using the Entire Database command to automatically delete the database issues.

The report indicates the following problems:

  • Broken relationships between the equipment and plant items, or between the symbol and symbol representations.

  • Orphan model items of the item types: Vessel, Mechanical, Exchanger, Equipment: Other, Equipment Component, Instrument, Nozzle, Piping Component, Ducting Component, Pipe Run, Signal Run, Duct Run, OPC, Item Note, Area Break, Room, and Room Component.

Generate a report and clean up the database

Before starting the cleanup, ensure that all the other users have logged out of the plant.

  • In the Clean Data dialog, choose what you want to do.

To do this

Choose this command

Generate a report and delete items with problems related to referential integrity or uniqueness, covering all cleanup actions for model items, OPCs, and gaps.

Select Entire Database.

This command deletes numerous corrupted records from the database. Skip this command to conduct a less drastic cleanup.

Delete orphan model items from the database.

  1. Select Model Items.

  2. On the Delete Orphan Model Items dialog, from the Item Type Names list, select each model item type to check if any orphan items exist in the database.

This command works on an item type basis and repairs the following model items: Vessel, Mechanical, Exchanger, Equipment: Other, Equipment Component, Instrument, Nozzle, Piping Component, Ducting Component, Pipe Run, Signal Run, Duct Run, OPC, Item Note, Area Break, Room, and Room Component.

Repair off-page connectors (OPCs) that have lost their associations with the originally paired OPC.

  1. Select OPCs.

  2. On the Repair OPCs dialog, from the OPC Type list, select Repairable or Non-repairable.

  3. From the OPCs list, select the OPC pair. If the pair can be repaired, select Fix. If it is non-repairable, select Delete.

If the original OPC has lost its paired OPC's identity but the paired OPC still has the identity of the original OPC, it's repairable. The utility updates the original OPC's identity. However, if both OPCs have lost each other's identities, they're not repairable. You'll be prompted to delete them.

Repair and update gaps in the representation record with the proper item type.

Select Gaps

It is not recommended to use this command for database constraint cleanup. If you must run it, do not select Yes for anything other than a gap symbol. Otherwise, your data can get corrupted.