Sample Check Symbol Log File - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 HF 29 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Utilities Help

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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The following sample log file contains five sets of detected errors. Below the graphic is a suggested solution for each numbered error set.

PPM All Outputs Graphic

Suggested Solutions

  1. Delete symbol from existing drawings. Open the symbol in Catalog Manager, delete rectangles, and draw the graphics as lines instead of a rectangle. Place updated symbol on drawing.

  2. Delete symbol from existing drawings. Open symbol in Catalog Manager, place a select set around the graphics, select Ungroup from the Change toolbar. Place symbol on drawing.

  3. Delete symbol from existing drawings. Open symbol in Catalog Manager, delete connect points and add connect points. Place symbol on drawing.

  4. Delete symbol from existing drawings. Open symbol in Catalog Manager, delete symbol and re-create symbol. Place symbol on drawing.

  5. Delete symbol from existing drawings. From Catalog Manager, delete connect points and add Auxiliary points. Place symbol on drawing.