Repair and report an open drawing - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 HF 29 - Help - Hexagon

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Use the Relationship Indicator Repair Utility to report and repair bad relationship indicators in a specific drawing. The utility processes all graphic connections on the active drawing and verifies all relationships in the graphic file and in the database.

You cannot run the Relationship Indicator Repair Utility on a plant.

  1. Open a drawing in Smart P&ID.

  2. Select Tools > Custom Commands.

  3. In the Custom Commands dialog, browse to the [Product Folder]\P&ID Workstation\bin folder, and then double-click repairrelindcmd.dll.

    PPM All Outputs Graphic

  4. Choose Report and select OK to evaluate the relationships indicators.

  5. After the reporting process is complete, review the RepairReport-RelIndicators.log report to check for any relationship indicator errors.

  6. If there are any errors, choose Repair & Report and select OK. Otherwise, skip to step 8.

  7. After the repair process is complete, review the RepairReport-RelIndicators.log to check if the errors are resolved.

  8. Close and reopen the drawing before making any further modifications.