Configure Piping Specification Settings - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 HF 29 - Help - Hexagon

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  1. Select Settings in Options Manager and follow steps 2 through 4 to enable continuous service limit validation and automatic commodity code lookup.

  2. Select Yes in the Enable piping specification validation field.

  3. In the Use piping specification field, select the PDS3D, Smart 3D, or Smart Reference Data option, depending on the type of 3D database to which you are connected.

  4. Enable the Calc buttons for the Piping Materials Class and Commodity Code properties by assigning Calculation IDs in Data Dictionary Manager. See Enter Required ProgIDs.

    • If the Use piping specification setting is PDS3D, Smart 3D, or Smart Reference Data and the Enable piping specification validation setting is No, continuous service limits validation and automatic commodity code lookup are not available. However, you can still manually select the Calc PPM All Outputs Graphic buttons to activate the Commodity Code Lookup dialog or the Piping Materials Class selection dialog.

    • If the Use piping specification setting is No, continuous service limits validation and automatic commodity code lookup are not available. Also, the Calc buttons for the Piping Materials Class and Commodity Code properties are not functional.

    • When changing the Use piping specification setting from No to PDS3D, Smart 3D, or Smart Reference Data, validation occurs only for items modified after the change.

    • The Short Value entries in the Piping Component Type select list in Data Dictionary Manager are populated from the contents of the PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file (located in the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin folder) according to the Use Piping Specification setting as follows:

      • PDS3D - The Short Value column is populated with data from the second column of the PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file (AABBCC code).

      • Smart 3D or Smart Reference Data - The Short Value column is populated with data from the third column of the PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file.

      • No - The data in the Short Value column is not updated and remains what it was previously.

  5. If you are connecting to a Smart 3D database, fill in the database information in the Smart 3D Plant Name and Smart 3D Server Name fields, and then skip the rest of this procedure.

  6. If you are connecting to a Smart Reference Data database, fill in the database information in the Smart Reference Data Server Details field, and then skip the rest of this procedure.

  7. If you are connecting to a PDS 3D database, select the database type from the PDS Database Type list. Supported database types are MSSQL and Oracle.

  8. Type the database name in the PDS Database Name field. The database name is not required for Oracle databases. The default value of a blank space, not a null, must be assigned for Oracle databases.

  9. Type a value in the PDS Database Server/Alias field. This entry defines the server name for a Microsoft SQL Server database or the Alias name on the client computer for an Oracle database.

  10. Type the user name and password of the ra schema of a PDS 3D project under PDS Approved Reference Database Schema Name and PDS Approved Reference Database Schema Password respectively.

  11. Type the user name and password of the pd schema of a PDS 3D project under PDS Project Control Database Schema Name and PDS Project Control Database Schema Password respectively.

  12. In the Max-Temperature Unit in PDS3D list, select the unit of measurement used in PDS 3D for the maximum temperature limit for piping components.