Open the drawing.
When prompted to re-create the drawing, select Cancel. The software does not re-create the drawing. However symbols missing in the database are reported in the SmartPlantPID.log file.
Open the drawing using Automation. Using Automation to open the drawing ensures that the symbols are band-aided. A normal opening of the drawing re-creates the drawing and removes the orphaned symbols.
Open the drawing manually.
When prompted to re-create the drawing, select OK.
The band-aided symbols are initially displayed and then removed from the drawing.
Display the SmartPlantPID.log file. The log file reports on orphaned symbols by means of statements similar to the following:
OrphanGraphics has detected a problem: PipeRun with SP_ID = FF038B6467F8429588B86A2FE38F5667 is missing from the database (A04501).
Using custom validation, you can specify whether the software only reports on orphaned
symbols in the SmartPlantPID.log file or whether they are reported on and band-aided.
Two functions exist in the log file for handling orphan graphics by means of validation:
ReportOrphanGraphics reports that symbols are missing from the database.
BandAidOrphanGraphics reports that symbols are missing from the database and have been band-aided.