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Intergraph Smart Production Workshop Text Tailoring

Intergraph Smart Production
Workshop Text Tailoring
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The basic Smart Production installation includes two overwriting files, nxLangOvewriteSSC.asp and nxLangOverwriteSHIP.asp. It is also possible, and highly recommended, to make a file of your own to add custom text.

By default, nxLangOverwriteSSC.asp does not include any rows. It serves as a model for customer- specific files. Smart Production is delivered with the SSC headers, and thus, as a default, there is no requirement to overwrite the headers. If, however, any customized tailoring for the headers is required, you can either use this file, or create a file with a different name. It is recommendable to use a customer-specific name when using tailored text, such as nxLangOvewriteCustomerName.asp. You can use only one overwriting file at a time.

The nxLangOverwriteSHIP.asp file includes the basic SHIP system headers that can be used instead of the basic SSC headers when running Smart Production.