Claiming and unclaiming objects to a project - HxGN SDx - Update 61 - Help - Hexagon

Managing Smart 3D Project/As-Built with HxGN SDx

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Claiming an object allows you to make a copy of it, as it exists in the plant, or As-Built configuration, and edit that copy of the object within a project. While the plant configuration represents the plant as it currently exists on the ground, projects are configurations where you can consider, or design, changes. These changes will exist only in that project configuration and will have no effect on the plant configuration until you merge your changes from the project to the plant. At that point, you can override the information in the plant configuration with the new information in the project configuration.

You can see objects that reside in any configurations included in your current query scope or in configurations above those. You cannot view objects that reside in configurations beneath your query scope.

  • If you set your query scope to the plant configuration, you will see only objects that exist in that plant.

  • If you set your query scope to the project, you can see objects that reside in either that project or the plant above it.

Before claiming an object, you can run the ValidateforClaim API and obtain a list of all the valid objects in the plant.

To claim an object into a project, set your create and updates scopes to that project, find the object in the plant configuration, and invoke the Claim functionality to create a linked copy of the object in the project.

If there is an error while claiming an object, a detailed report is generated giving the details of the error.

Only a user with the role SDxiHubProjectManager is authorized to claim and unclaim objects.