To Install This Version - PAS Dashboard - 3.6 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Intergraph

PAS Dashboard for PSI and Integrity Release Notes

PAS Dashboard
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Release Notes/Bulletin
Dashboard Version

To install this version, see the User Guide for complete upgrade, installation, and configuration guidance.

PAS Dashboard 3.6 works with Integrity 7.3. Make sure that you have upgraded or installed Integrity 7.3 if you plan to use PAS Dashboard 3.6 with Integrity.

Important Upgrade Information

If you are upgrading from a previous version of PAS Dashboard and the [Dashboard - PlantState Standard] asset model, you must complete additional steps to resolve widget errors. For more information, see the [Dashboard - PlantState Standard] asset model Readme.txt file.

  1. Upgrade to the latest version of PAS Dashboard. For more information see the User Guide.

  2. Obtain the PAS file from Technical Support.

  3. Place the ZIP file in a location accessible by a member of the admin group within PAS Dashboard/PlantState Integrity.

  4. Using a browser, navigate to the PAS Dashboard configure.aspx page by clicking the gear icon on the PAS Dashboard page.

  5. Click Widgets and scroll to the bottom of the list of widgets.

  6. Click the Import widgets icon with the up arrow to import widgets.

  7. Click Browse, navigate to the location of the widget export file, and select the file.

  8. Select the Overwrite widgets with the same name check box.

  9. Click Import. The import process may take some time. When the import is finished, you will be returned to the Widget tab of the Configure page.