Multi-Step Approval - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.1 - Training - Hexagon

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When the project default ZR_ADV_APP is set to Y, you can use a multi-step approval sequence instead of approval via Approve button.

Click the Approval Sequence button to open the Approval Sequence screen.

Press Configure Approval Sequence button, you can set up the approve sequence.

To add users (approvers) to the approval sequence, you can select each user from the LOV in the User field. Then you must assign a sequence in the Seq field, and you can assign a user title in the Title field. Or, you copy a pre-defined user template into the Approval Sequence block. First, you must press Use Template button, select a template from the LOV in the Apply Approval Template screen. The approval templates are defined on Home > Administration > Approval Process screen. Then, click the Copy button to copy the selected template. The copied records can be modified.

Press Save and close the screen, you will see the approve sequence is set up.

Click the circle and write some comment, then press Approve.

To be able to approve the requisition, the approver must be logged in with the project/discipline of the requisition. Then he can enter a comment in the Comment field and press the Approve button. As soon as all approvers have approved the requisition, the Approved Date field on the requisition header is filled with the date of the final approval, and the Approved by field is filled with the user name of the final approver. Further, the Release button is enabled.

  • When the Approved button is pressed, the CIP procedure m_pck_req_custom.approve_req_by is executed. You can use this CIP to include your custom logic to validate the approval process. An error dialog box appears if the validation fails.

  • When the requisition has been approved by all people in the approval sequence, the procedure m_pck_req.approve_req is executed. This procedure calls the CIP procedure m_pck_req_custom.approve_req.