Creating an Inconsistency Report in the background fails - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)


When creating Inconsistency Reports using documents with very large sets of data or comparing data across several sources, it is possible for the inconsistency report task to time out and fail.


  • Find the failed task, right-click on it, and select Retry.

The process will begin again, starting with the next chunk after the task failed, as indicated by the number in the Processed chunk count property for the task.

For example, if the Processed chunk count is 52, then the task will begin again starting with chunk 53.

  • You can see the total number of chunks to be processed in the Total chunk count property for the task.

  • The Processed file list contains a list of all the files that have been compared so far.