Effective Date dialog box - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

Sets the effective date for the Desktop Client, setting the point in time at which you want to view the data in the database.

Calendar - Select a date from the calendar. The calendar is available only if the Show data available option is set to On.

Show data available - Allows you to view the current data or the data at a specific date in time.

  • Now - Sets the effective date to the current system date. The calendar is unavailable when you select this option.

  • On - Makes the calendar available for selecting an effective date and time.

Time - Sets the hour, minute, and second of the date indicated in the calendar when you want to view the data in the database. This option is available only if the Show data available option is set to On.

When you set the effective date to a date in the past, you cannot change the data. You can only view the data that was valid at that point in history.