Create and manage transmittals - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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10.0 (2019)
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2020 (15.0)

SmartPlant Foundation provides several transmittal creation and document attachment methods.

Documents are attached to transmittals conditionally. For more information about controlling the attachment of documents to transmittals using conditions, see Understanding default conditions for including documents in transmittals.

Update Step Recipients dialog box

Allows you to select the recipients for a workflow step.

This dialog box contains two different lists of users and roles assigned to the step. The Assignment list contains the names of users and roles that are assigned to the step to perform some task. The Information Only list contains the names of users and roles that are assigned to the step only to receive information.

User List - Displays the list of users or roles available for assignment. This box contains only two roles (Submitter and ChangeOwner) until you query for users or roles.

Matrices List - Displays the list of matrices available for assignment. This box is empty until you search for matrices.

User or Role - Displays the list of users or roles currently assigned to the transmittal. A selected check box beside a user or role in the Information Only list indicates that a response is required upon receipt of the step before the workflow can continue.

Description – Displays the description for the user or role.

Reason for Receipt – Allows you to specify the reason that the user or the role will be assigned the workflow step. The value is populated by default with the value in the Default action reason for receipt box, but you can change the value here.

SHARED Tip The value is set to Information Only by default when a user or role is added to the Information Only section. However, you can change that value, if necessary.

Format – Allows you to specify the format in which information will be sent the user or role. By default, the format is inherited from the setting in the Default format box, but the value here can be modified.

Matrix Name – If the user name or role was assigned to this step using a matrix, the name of the matrix is displayed here.

Add - Allows you to assign the selected users or roles to the workflow step to perform an assignment.

Remove - Allows you to remove the selected users or roles from the workflow step.

If an email or paper user is assigned a workflow step, you will need to use the Response Manager window to record their actions and complete the steps on their behalf.


Matrix Name - Displays the name of any matrices assigned to the workflow steps to define steps recipients.

Default values

Default format - Specifies the paper format automatically assigned to newly added paper users or roles.

Default action reason for receipt - Specifies the reason for receipt automatically assigned to newly added users or roles in the Assignment section of the dialog box.

Default information reason for receipt - Specifies the reason for receipt automatically assigned to newly added users or roles in the Information Only section of the dialog box.

Group Acknowledgement Control

All recipients must acknowledge receipt - Indicates that all users in the Information Only list must acknowledge the receipt of the step.

OneUserPerRole - Indicates that at least one user from each role included in the Information Only list must acknowledge the receipt of the step.

OneUserPerStep – Indicates that only one user from all the users and roles included in the Information Only list must acknowledge the receipt of the step.

Group Assignment Control

All recipients - Indicates that all users in the Assignment list must perform the work of the step.

OneUserPerRole - Indicates that at least one user from each role included in the Assignment list must perform the work of the step.

OneUserPerStep – Indicates that only one user from all the users and roles included in the Assignment list must perform the work of the step.

Matrices - Allows you to search for particular matrices.

User - Allows you to search for users to assign to the step.

Role - Allows you to search for roles to assign to the step.

Response Manager

The Response Manager allows the document controller to perform workflow steps for e-mail and paper users who do not have access to SmartPlant Foundation. The Response Manager behaves identically to the To Do List.

In the Response Manager, you can view and complete checklists associated with workflow steps. You can also complete voting steps and mark steps completed or unable to be completed.

Response manager

The Response Manager has three parts:

  • Toolbar

  • List View

  • Checklist Preview Pane


The Response Manager toolbar contains the following buttons:





Refreshes the Response Manager with new tasks. By default, the software automatically refreshes the information every 10 minutes if the value is not changed through user preferences. However, you can force a manual update by clicking the Refresh button.

Checklist Preview Pane

Displays the checklist associated with the workflow step in a pane at the bottom of the Response Manager. When the checklist preview pane is displayed, the icon changes to .

Save Checklist

Saves your changes to the checklist associated with the workflow step.

List View

The list view displays a list of the workflow steps for the transmittal from which the Response Manager was opened. All tasks appear here, regardless of the recipient to which the step is assigned, allowing a document controller to manage responses for email and paper users. There are several types of steps, called step classes, that may appear in the Response Manager. The following icons represent these steps:


Step class



A step that appears for your information only. If an information step appears in the Response Manager, you are required to acknowledge it.


A step that assigns work to you. You may be required to complete a checklist before you can complete an assignment step.


A step that requires you to vote. You may be required to complete a checklist before you can complete an approval step.

Icons with red backgrounds indicate that the step is overdue. For example, if an assignment step is overdue, the icon appears beside the step.

Checklist Preview Pane

If you select a workflow step that has a checklist associated with it in the list view, the checklist preview pane displays the checklist associated with the step. You can update the checklist by right-clicking the item that you want to change in the checklist. You can also update a checklist for a step by right-clicking the step in the list view. For the issue step, the checklist includes an item for each document attached to the transmittal.

  • You can view the percentage of workflow completion for each workflow step under Workflow Percentage column. The workflow status percentage is updated on acceptance or rejection of each workflow step by the user.

For more information on configuring workflow status and workflow status percentage, see Create a step status.

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