Manage Engineering Numbering System dialog box - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Help

SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Manages the relationships among ENS definitions and items.

Value - filters the relationships by value.

Length - number of spaces allotted for that ENS item.

Pad/Justification - justification for the pad character.

Pad Character - character used to pad the ENS item if all the allotted spaces are not used.

Delimiter - character that comes after an ENS item to visually separate it from the next ENS item.

Manage ENS DLG_Up arrow - Reorders the objects.

Manage ENS_Down arrow - Reorders the objects.

Manage ENS DLG_remove item - Removes the relationship between an ENS item and an ENS definition. The ENS item remains in the database.

Manage ENS_Left arrow - Click to add an item to a definition.

If the dialog box is in portrait orientation, the Library pane appears at the bottom of the dialog box instead of on the right side of the dialog box. Click Relate Selected Item in the Library pane to add an item to a definition.

Create - Creates a new ENS item.

Update - Updates an ENS item.

Delete - Deletes an ENS item.

Advanced - Filters the list of items by property comparison. The required format is Interface~PropertyDef~Operator~Value.

See Also

Manage the Engineering Numbering System
Manage related items