ISPFAuthPublishableDocumentRevision - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

For a document to be publishable, it must have a required realizes relationship between the class definition of the revision and the ISPFAuthPublishableDocumentRevision interface definition. With this interface on the class, revisions are automatically reserved in the data warehouse.

The SPFAuthPublishableTargetClassDef property on this interface defines the authoring tool that this document belongs to. This information is used to identify the correct registration details for the tool and the warehouse to reserve revisions in. This value is populated automatically by the create method.

A typical value for an IPD data sheet document used for data sheet snapshots is provided below:

  • ProcessDocument. For example, the CreateDocFromTag and CreateSPFLLALineListRecordDocument methods have argument 10 set to stamp the value.

  • ProcessDocument onto the SPFAuthPublishableTargetClassDef property. This ensures that the property SPFTEFPublishedDocClassDefUID on ISPFTEFPublishedDocMaster is updated.

This value is different for other types of documents that reserve revisions.

In the default authoring database, the line list document and data sheet document class definitions realize the ISPFAuthPublishableDocumentRevision and ISPFAuthPublishableDocumentVersion interface definitions. This means that you cannot create one of these documents without SmartPlant Foundation being registered to a SmartPlant Foundation data warehouse. If you want to create these documents in a stand-alone authoring system, these interfaces need to be removed from the class definitions for line lists and data sheets. To remove the interfaces, load SCHEMA_RemovePublishableDocRealizeRels.xml available on Smart Community. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.