Configuring line list record rollup and consolidation - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)


Rollup is a process that contains multiple automated steps. First, a collection of line segments is grouped into a smaller number of line list records, based on a set of common property values configured by the ENS definition of the line list options object. Next, in a similar process, a set of line list records are grouped together into pipelines, as determined by properties configured on an ENS definition, such as Fluid Code and Sequence Number. The rollup process includes the creation of line list records and pipeline objects, as needed, as well as the creation of all the relationships connecting these objects.

The rollup of line segments to line list records is managed by a rollup configuration options object (Line List Options). This options object has a collection of relationships to other elements required for successful rollup, such as the ENS definition to use to acquire a rollup signature and the target class definition to roll up to, and the relationship definition to use for the relationship between the source (line segment) and target (line list record) object.

The rollup process is triggered by a command on the shortcut menu of one or more line segments. The rollup process begins by attempting to find the rollup configuration options object to use. Once the rollup configuration options object is found, the next step is to apply the rollup ENS definition related to the options object to the line segment object to get a rollup signature for the line segment. This signature is used to determine which of the supplied segment(s) relates to which existing record and which segment(s) require a new record to roll up to. Where the rollup ENS properties denote that the line segment could relate to more than one possible line list record, an error is raised because the software cannot choose a line list record to relate to from the multiple line list records available.

In the case where a new record object is created to roll up to, the properties which make up the rollup ENS definition are rolled up (copied) from the source segment object to the selected target record object. The properties are either directly copied in the case where the two objects both realize the same interface with the same properties, or a mapping is used to denote which property value on the source object should be copied to which property value on the target object. This is not done in the case where an existing record is used.

During the rollup process, the relationships that make up the rollup ENS definition are copied from the source segment object (line segments) to the selected target record object (line list record).

The final stage of the rollup process is to create a relationship between the source object (line segment) and the target object (line list record). The relationship definition to use is denoted by a relationship from the rollup configuration options object.

For a new line list record, a relationship is created between the line segment and the line list record. In this process, the software determines if any new pipelines need to be created, and automatically creates new pipelines if needed. After the pipelines are created, a relationship is created between a line list record and the pipeline.

Relationships between pipe runs and pipelines are automatically created if there is an existing pipeline that is retrieved from a Smart P&ID drawing. In this scenario, the rollup process creates the relationships between the line segments and the line list records and between the line list records and the pipelines.

If the pipeline was created manually in the line list authoring environment or as a result of the rollup operation, then new relationships are created between the line segments and the line list records, the line list records and the pipelines, and between the pipelines and all the line segments that make up the related records.

  • If the line segment related with the line list record is updated, you can roll up this updated line segment again by running the Rollup command again. After the rollup process is complete, depending upon the properties which make up the rollup ENS definition, the updated line segment may either remain related to the existing line list record, or it is related to the other matching line list record. If no matching line list record is found, a new line list record is created and populated with the ENS property values and relationships from the line segment.

  • To roll up the line segment with the line list record again, set the method Argument 1 to True, and the Condition argument on the method to blank.


The consolidation process is triggered by an update or creation of a line list record object.

The process encapsulates two distinct operations. The first is to collate all the property values with mappings from the related line segment objects to the mapped properties on the line list record object. When two values on different line segments are the same, a single value will be set for the mapped property on the line list record. Where two or more different values are available for a single property on the related line segment objects, a comma-separated list of values will be set as the consolidated property value on the line list record.

Properties which are a part of the rollup ENS definition will be excluded from the consolidation process.

The second operation is the derivation of the from/to (start/end) point of the related line segments. This operation navigates the line segment to line segment relationships on the related line segments attempting to find objects which have been marked by the retrieve process as valid end objects for the line. See Configuring valid line end objects for more information about the adapter document and configuring valid line end objects. Depending on the flow direction of the relationship between the line segment and the valid end item, the item is marked as a from-point or a to-point for the line list record. If a line segment to line segment relationship is being navigated and the destination line segment is related to a different line list record than the one currently being consolidated, then the name of the line list record to which the line segment is related is used as a From/To Point. In the case that a piece of equipment is denoted as a valid end object, the from/to derivation process attempts to include the appropriate nozzle name in the From/To point in brackets after the equipment name. If the equipment or nozzle name is blank, the software attempts to use the description property instead.

Note that the consolidation process can be skipped by setting the delay consolidation flag on the line list record to true. True is the default value for the property, so consolidation would normally only happen on the creation of a record. The Delay consolidation? option is ignored if the line segments are rolled up to create the line list record for the first time.

See Also

Configuring rollup of segments
Configuring consolidation
Controlling automatic consolidation on existing records
Configuring valid line end objects
Configure valid line end objects for the line list adapter