Configuring ENS definitions for line list record naming - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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ENS definition for naming the line list record

You can configure an ENS definition that is used for naming for the line list record during rollup or during interactive creation. By default, a sample ENS definition for the line list record is delivered with SmartPlant Foundation (LLRENSDef). The ENS definition for a line list record takes properties from the line list record and names the line list record accordingly.

The ENS definition for a line list record only supports Line List Record properties that are mapped to properties on the Line Segment. The graphic below shows the out-of-the-box Line List Record ENS definition as an example.

ENS definition for naming the line list record document

The name of the line list record document is controlled by a separate ENS definition. The delivered Line List Document ENS definition (LLDENSDef) uses the name of the parent line list to determine the name of the line list record document.

For more information about configuring ENS, see Configure the Engineering Numbering System.