Additional configuration for managing equipment - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Regular commands can be configured to create, find, update, and terminate individual equipment items.

Form generation

Find the class definition and use the Generate Form on the right-click menu to build the default form.

Column set generation

The column set can be configured interactively:

  • Create a new column set.

  • Use the Manage Column Items dialog box to configure the columns.

    • Use the Library tab to relate existing column items such as Name and Description.

    • Use the Navigate Schema tab to create and relate new column items by navigating to the relevant properties and relationships, selecting them (use Ctrl for multiple items) and add them to the list.

    • Typically include the top typing properties and some key equipment properties.

    • Relate the column set to an interface on the equipment class.

    • Specify this Column Set on the QFind method.

    • For the column set to be picked up after relationship expansions from other objects, it must be related to an interface with a specialization value. Core interfaces have specialization values but new ones, such as the IPpmPAEquipment primary interface, do not. Set the value to a high value such as 4000, as it must be higher than the values of the other interfaces on the class for the column set to be picked up. The specialization value can be added in the SpecializationValues.xml file in the Site Server directory (for example the Product Directory).

Classified equipment

If the equipment items are classified, there are a number of additional tasks required. These are described in detail in How to Configure Classification Trees and Classified Objects, but the basics are included here for convenience.

  • The equipment Create methods need to use the classified object API, as detailed below.

  • An additional classification tree node might need to be defined for the equipment, but generally the standard ones are used.

  • The equipment class definitions need to be related to the classification nodes. This can be done by dropping the equipment class definition version class definition on the relevant classification tree node.