Performance benchmark tests - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

You can perform a standardized set of tests to identify performance issues with the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client by using the Performance Test tool available from the Administration menu. The following standardized tests are run:

  • Time taken for the server to respond to a ping request.

  • Time taken to query for a single interface.

  • Time taken to query for set of 500 interfaces.

  • Time taken to query for a single property.

  • Time taken to query for 800 properties.

  • Time taken to generate a list view from template documents.

  • Time taken to generate the right hand mouse menu on class defs report template with the Look Ahead option on.

  • Time taken to generate the right hand mouse menu on class defs report template the Look Ahead option off.

  • Time taken to de-serialize results for all queries (Convert the server response to a list of objects).

    To run the Performance Test tool, you must log on to the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client using the role Super User, DEV Administrator, or System Administrator.

    Shortcut keys can be used on some actions in the performance benchmark test dialog:

    • Alt + A - Selects all the tests in either the Tests provided or Tests to be run areas.

    • Alt + S - Activates the Start Test button, if the button is available.

    • Alt + T - Activates the Stop button, if the button is available.

Run Performance Benchmark Tests

  1. From the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client, click Administration > Performance Test to launch the Performance Benchmark Tests dialog box.

  2. To select a test to run, select the test from the list of performance tests available in the Test provided area.

  3. Move the test into the Tests to be run area by clicking >> or pressing the Enter key. The tests required appear in the Tests to be run area.

    • To remove tests from the Tests to be run area, select the test then press << or press the Delete or Backspace key.

    • To select all the tests to be run from the Tests provided area click All.

    • To delete all the tests from the Tests to be run area click Clear.

  4. In the Log file path line define the required path to the log file.

    • The Log file path is the path to the location where the software saves the log file at the end of the tests. Each test will be appended to the end of the file.

    • Selecting Browse beside the Log file path line opens up a browse dialog box so the user can select a new path for the log file.

    • If no log file exists, the software uses PerformanceTest.log as the default file name, unless the user manually enters another .log file name.

  5. To run the selected tests click Start Test or press Alt + S.

    • The Start Test button is available when at least one test is added to the Tests to run area.

    • The Delay in seconds is the number of seconds of delay between each consecutive test run.

    • The Number of runs is the number of times the user can choose the tests to be run.

    • If the user wants to exit before running any performance tests, click Close button or press Esc key.

    • When Start Test is clicked a warning message box appears to warn of the considerable time the tests could take to complete. Click Yes to confirm that you want to run the tests or click No to exit the dialog box.

    • When the tests are running, they can take some time, so a wait cursor is displayed.

    • When each test completes, the results are shown in the Performance benchmark results area.

    • When tests are running, all input buttons are disabled, except for the Stop button.

  6. To stop the test, click Stop. This interrupts any test that is still running.

    • There is a delay between the user clicking Stop and the performance benchmark test dialog box being available again for editing. This delay is dependent on the test being interrupted.

    • A message is displayed in the Performance benchmark results text area, informing that the tests were interrupted by the user.

    The log file is created only with tests that have been run to completion as shown in the example below. A test that is interrupted does not write any details to the log file.