Historical Report - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Each time a new license is checked out, the information is recorded in a historical database and displayed in the Historical Report. The report displays the history for all licenses, licenses used per user, and licenses used per organization. You can specify start and end dates to filter what is displayed in the Historical Report.

How can I export the report?

Use the export commands on the toolbar to view and save the report to Microsoft Excel, PDF, or Microsoft Word. For more information, see Exporting the License Report.

How can I add or remove sorting criteria?

  • Sort the table by clicking the column header you wish to sort by. The first click sorts the rows in ascending order, and the second click sorts the rows in descending order.

  • Remove the sorting by clicking the column header a third time.

How can I group rows in the table?

You can group rows that have the same value for a particular column into sections, and then sort each section in ascending or descending order.

  1. Click a column heading and drag it to the bar above the table labeled Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column.

  2. To group by more columns, click and drag each column heading to the bar, dropping it in the order you want the rows to be grouped.

  3. To change the sort order for a group (ascending or descending), click the arrow on the column heading.

    For example:


SHARED Tip To ungroup rows, click and drag a column heading out of the bar above the table, or click the X on the column heading if available.

Historical Report options

Start date - Filters the Historical Report to include information collected on and after this date.

By default, the Start date is set to 30 days prior to today.

End date - Filters the Historical Report to include information collected before this date.

By default, the End date is set to today.

Number of daily licenses used- Displays the total number of daily licenses used during the period.

Number of days in period - Displays the total number of days defined by the start and end dates. For example, this will be 30 days if you select 3/19/2016 to 4/18/2016.

Average daily licenses used per day - Shows the average number of licenses used per day during the period.

Number of daily licenses per organization (high to low) - Displays the total number of daily licenses used per organization during the period.

Full History Report tab

Displays the full licensing history during the period.

User Name - Displays the user name of the user the license was checked out by.

Host - Displays the IP address of the computer the user is logged on to.

Organization - Displays the organization the user belongs to in SmartPlant Foundation.

License Type - Shows the type of license that was checked out.

Checkout Date - Shows the date the license was checked out on.

SPF License Server - Displays the name of the computer Smart Licensing is installed on.

User Report tab

Displays the number of licenses, by type, checked out by each user during the period.

User Name - Displays the user name of the user the license was checked out by.

Organization - Displays the organization the user belongs to in SmartPlant Foundation.

License Type - Shows the type of license that was checked out.

Sessions - Shows the number of sessions opened using the license that was checked out.

Daily License Report tab

Displays the session details of daily licenses checked out during the period.

Date - Shows the date the license was checked out on.

Sessions - Shows the number of sessions opened using the license that was checked out.