Setting logging levels - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

Tracing levels are set in the tracesettings.config file on the relevant service. An example of the default file contents is shown below.

<!-- 1(error), 2(warning), 3(info), 4(verbose) -->


<add key="DatabaseAccessTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="SQLTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="LoginTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="LoaderTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="PerformanceTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="GeneralTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="WebRequestTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="SchemaTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="CoreTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="EmailTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="RemoteServicesTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="LoaderTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="TEFTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="SchedulerTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="CustomTraceSource_Switch" value="0"/>

<add key="LogFileDelimiter" value="|"/>

<add key="LoaderfileOut_CLOSE" value="no"/>

<add key="fileOut_CLOSE" value="no"/>

<add key="EmailfileOut_CLOSE" value="no"/>

<add key="TEFfileOut_CLOSE" value="no"/>



The switches allow you to enable tracing for specific areas in the code. Each switch name describes the area of code for which the tracing can be enabled.

The switch values are:

  • 0 – Turns off tracing

  • 1 – Error

  • 2 – Warning

  • 3 – Info

  • 4 – Verbose

The higher values provide increasing levels of tracing. Setting a value to 1 reports only errors. Setting a value to 2 reports both warnings and errors, and so on. The verbose value outputs everything.

SHARED Tip We recommend setting all values to 1 for normal running. If investigating a specific issue, you can update the related switch to a higher value and run the operation you want to trace. You can then set the value back to 1 after completing the operation.


The delimiter value indicates what character is used to delimit information that is output to the tracing log file. The default value is the character "|".

Close Files

The _CLOSE values are used to unlock the log files so they can be maintained. In order to move the files to a different server or delete a large log file, the tracing routines must release their locks on the files. Setting the value of any of the _CLOSE keys to "YES" (the value is not case-sensitive) closes its related file.