Create a data list definition - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)
  1. In the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client, click File > New > Datalist Definition. The New Datalist Definition dialog box appears.

  2. In the Name box, type the name, for example, Instrument List (Control Valve).

    SHARED Tip Make sure the data list definition name is unique and not the same as any class definition name. For example, do not name the data list definition the same as the target class definition.

  3. In the Interface Definition list, select an interface definition from the list, for example, Instrument (not required for Excel publish).

  4. In the Data Sheet Type box, type the data sheet type, for example, InstrumentList (not required for Excel publish).

    • The method used to generate the data sheet is associated with a Data Sheet Type. When used, it will return only data sheet definitions with a matching Data Sheet Type.

    • The Data Sheet Type specified for the data list definition must match the Data Sheet Type specified for the method.

  5. In the Related object limit represents a limit on the amount of related data that is brought into the data sheet or data list when it is generated. This field is optional and used only when the data sheet or data list is configured to allow the user to create or edit relationships using a pick list (not required for Excel publish).

  6. If you want this data list definition to save unmapped data entered in the data list, select the Support partially mapped datasheets check box (not required for Excel publish).

    This option is valid only when the list is related to an object, such as when the list is related to all equipment in a system. This configuration is not provided for you in the delivered system.

  7. In the View definitions field, type the view definition, for example, BaseInstrumentList.

  8. In the Template document field, type the template document, for example, Base Control Valve List Template.

  9. In the Target class definitions field, type the class definition, for example, PRCProcessInstrument.

  10. For Excel publish, complete the Excel publish settings details section with information about the document being published.

    • Publish document title

    • Publish document category

    • Publish document type

    • Publish document sub-type

    • Publish document class definition name

    • Document item relations – Used to specify the relationships to be created on the published objects that instantiate specified interfaces. The value should be given in the format: <Interface(s) of the published object>,<relationship to be created>_<direction to traverse the relationship to get from the document to the published object>. For example:

      • IBaseInterface1,BaseDocumentBaseInstrument_12

      • INonDrawingItem,NonDrawingItemCollection_21

      Multiple interfaces may be specified with ’|’ as a separator. For example, IBaseInterface1|IInstrument,BaseDocumentBaseInstrument_12.

  11. Click Finish. The new data list definition appears in the New Items pane. The following diagram shows an example of the final data list structure for Instrument List (Control Valve) data list as it appears in the New Items pane in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client.

Edit data list criteria

  1. Right-click the Instrument List (Control Valve) list definition, and click Edit Criteria and the Edit Datalist Criteria dialog box appears.

  2. In the Edit Datalist Criteria dialog, expand the view definition and click the ProcFunc property.

  3. In the Operator list, select is equal to.

  4. In the Criteria list, select ControlValve.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click OK to close the Edit Datalist Criteria dialog box.

Map object properties to Excel template

  1. In the New Items pane, drag and drop the Base Control Valve Template onto the Instrument List (Control Valve) data list definition, and click OK to create the new relationship.

  2. Right-click Base Control Valve Template, and click Edit > Check Out.

    • The document must be checked out to open it in the Data Sheet Definer.

    • The Create scope must be Scope Not Set.

    • You must have the appropriate access to map properties in the Data Sheet Definer.

  3. On the Check Out dialog box, check the data sheet template document check box, and click OK.

See Also

New Datalist Definition dialog box