Using Register Documents - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

A register document, which is created using register definition, is used to generate tag registers. It helps manage various versions of tag registers and allows you to filter the content in tag registers using prompt properties set on the report definition. When you generate a tag register, a report is created in the selected output format, Microsoft Excel or ASCII, and is then attached to the new version of the originating register document.

New Register Document dialog box

Allows you to create a new register document.

Name - Allows you to provide a name for the register document you want to create.

Description - Allows you to provide a description for the register document.

Status - Displays the status of the document master of the register document you are creating. This option is read-only.

When you create a document, the status of the master document is RESERVED. Once the document has been signed off, the status of the master is automatically updated to ISSUED.

Title - Allows you to provide a title for the register document.

Item owning group - Allows you to select the owning group for the register document.

Status – Displays the status of the first revision of the new register document you are creating. This option is read-only.

When you create a revision of a document, the status of that revision is Working. Once that revision has been signed off, the status is automatically updated to Current. When a newer revision is created, the status of previous revisions is updated to Superseded.

Label - Allows you to provide text that will appear in the header or footer margins of the printed document.

Watermark - Allows you to provide text that will appear behind the main document content when the document is printed.

Register definition - Allows you to select the register definition that you want to associate to the register document.

Prompt properties details - Displays the list of prompt properties set on the report definition associated with the selected register definition.

Set criteria - Allows you to provide the values for the prompt properties, as defined in the associated report definition.

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