Configuring queries for terminated objects - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

A standard query only returns active data from the database. However, you can use the QueryObjectWithHistory client API to create new methods that query for terminated objects without setting the effective date. The methods can be configured for a query to search for an object type by selecting the objects class definition as the basis, so that the applicable data, such as objects and relationships, are returned regardless of the object's termination date. The query can be configured and further refined in the query dialog box to specifically match your query requirements.

You can create multiple methods using the QueryObjectWithHistory client API, with each one specifying a separate class definition and object parameters. Each new method can be exposed in the main toolbar as a new Query with history type, by selecting the Available in Desktop Client option in the query dialog box.

  • Queries using the QueryObjectWithHistory client API use the currently selected scope, which includes all sub configurations that exist below.

  • Queries can return large data sets, so ensure that you refine the parameters to narrow your search criteria before running the query.

  • The QueryObjectWithHistory client API honors the existing query warning and query limit user preferences in the Desktop Client.

For more information on methods and their creation, see Create or update a method. For more information on using the terminated query search, see Query for terminated objects.