Validation rules and actions - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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The following table lists all the validation rules supplied with Data Validator and the actions that invoke them.

= Object = Property = Relationship Rules_11 = Relationship Property

= If the same object is found for Create Update locally, this is reported as True.

= The relationship must also have the Create Update action on it.

= The object Rename action forces the rule to evaluate against the new name if it was configured against the name property.

Only one Check Staging File Exists property action or one Check Target System File Exists property action is allowed per object. If there is more than one, an error is raised and the export is blocked. For more information, see Export checks list.

  • The Compare Value rule ignores null values in the target system if the object property action or relationship property action is set to Compare Create, but respects the null values if the action is set to Compare Value. This is because exporting with a Compare Create action requires blank target system values to be updated without altering any existing values.

  • The Check Exist action is invoked for Staging System Cardinality and Target System Cardinality rules only when the user selects this action during a rule creation.

For more information on how to define validation rules and create rulesets, see Define validation rules and rule sets.