Update the file index to include additional properties - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

The file index template can be extended to include the additional parameters that can be added in the Document Naming System page of the Data Capture Administration module.

  • Template documents are typically created by system administrators.

  • Template documents may be created at the site level and available for use in any plant. Set your Create Scope to Scope Not Set before you use the steps below.

Modify the File Index template

  1. In the Desktop Client, click Find > Template Documents.

  2. In the Find Template Documents dialog box, type *File Index*, and click OK.

  3. Right-click the File Index Template, and click Edit > Check Out.

    SHARED Tip In the Path box, verify the default folder path or type the path to the folder if you want to update it.

    Make sure that the Name check box is selected.

  4. Modify the checked-out File Index Template as per the requirements.

  5. Check in the modified template using the following procedure:

    • Repeat steps 1 and 2.

    • Right-click the checked-out File Index Template, and then click Edit > Check In.