Configure progress options - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

Workpacks, and ultimately Deliverables, inherit values from their configuration’s Progress Options object.

A SPFPrgOptions object is a prerequisite to the creation of workpacks and workpack templates for any given configuration. A maximum of one SPFPrgOptions object can be instantiated for each configuration.

The class definition SPFPrgOptions realizes the interface definition ISPFPrgOptions which exposes property definitions for each required option.

Options include:

  • Allow Auto Progress

  • Allow Calculation Override

  • Non-Working day action

  • Pending days indicator

  • Rollup before Midday

The New Options form is where you can create a set of options (system level settings) to determine how progress is monitored for a project.

There will be one set of progress options per project.

See Also

Create activity workpacks
Create activity workpack templates
Create design workpack templates
Create design workpacks