Export checks list - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

The following export target system checks are run on the data transferred to the target system landing tables.




Cardinality Check

Relationships are checked to see if the cardinality of the relationship definition has been breached. If that occurs, the export is blocked.


Exclusively Claimed

If the object being updated exists outside the user's selected configuration and it is claimable, but has been exclusively claimed to a different sub configuration, the export is blocked.


File Object Internal System Property Values

Changes to the following internal system property values on ISPFFile are ignored:

  • SPFLocalDirectory

  • SPFLocalHostName

  • SPFLocalFileName

  • SPFRemoteFileName

    These values are all set automatically so do not need to be mapped.


File Property Action Check

Only one Check Staging File Exists property action or one Check Target System File Exists property action is allowed per object. If there is more than one, an error is raised and the export is blocked.


Future Issue Dates

Future issue dates are not allowed. If any are found, the export is blocked. Dates are validated against the UTC time zone.


Master Document Updates

If the load includes a master document with a revision and the master exists outside of the user's selected configuration, the system assumes that the user is revising the document to the configuration and does not want the previous ‘Updating item from lower configuration’ rule to block the export. If this occurs, a warning message is produced, but the load is not blocked. Subsequent updates to the master are ignored.


Object Identification

If the object being exported is identified by a UID, the target system's class definition it is mapped to is checked to see if it has a UID definition. Also, if you are exporting an object using a unique key, the target system's class definition is checked to see if it has a unique key definition.


Revision Code Check

If a revision is using a non-custom revision scheme and the order of the issue dates do not match the order of the revision codes, the export is blocked.


Revision Issue Date

If there are two revisions for the same master with the same issue date, the export is blocked. This check applies to working (null) issue dates as well.


Updating item from lower configuration

If the object being updated exists outside the user's selected configuration and the object is not claimable, the export is blocked. If the object was claimable, the export claims it when updating the object in the load.
