Configuring merge by grouping - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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You can configure the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client to merge a selected group of items in a defined structure up to a parent configuration. Methods can be configured that use the MergeStructure client API and linked to the specific grouping object, which defines the data structure of the merge. For example, a starting object can be a commissioning system, commissioning unit, or area.

Each method configured to use the MergeStructure client API contains several parameters, the most significant of which is the Expansion Graph Definition UID, which defines the paths to use to locate the selected items for merging. For example, a method can be configured for an area that merges all of the tags in all of the units that belong to the selected area.

For more information on the MergeStructure client API, see MergeStructure client API.

  • If any items exposed by the graph definition cannot be merged and fail validation because they have unresolved conflicts, the user is notified and the items are displayed in a Merge Structure Exception report. The merge is not allowed to continue if there are any unresolved conflicts or errors.

  • If the graph definition exposes a relationship that has been flagged for termination at the project level, the software will merge the termination of that relationship. If merging the termination of the relationship causes a cardinality issue at the plant level, the software will try to merge the item at the other end of the relationship, even though it is not part of the structure. The method can be configured to prevent merging items outside of the structure, as required to meet your work processes.

  • The statistics displayed on the notification when merging asynchronously reflect the number of items that are actually submitted for merge. Any grouping items that are at the parent configuration level, or that are not configured to be mergeable, are not included.

  • You can create a summary of items being merged using a selected grouping object to define the data structure using Merge Structure Summary with Validation. For more information, see Mergeable items summary.