Target system unique keys - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
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2020 (15.0)

When a unique key definition has been specified in SmartPlant Foundation, Data Validator can then identify objects in the target system. You can specify the unique key for the object type and enter it in the Target System Unique Key box when you create or edit the stage object to target object mapping.

The unique key definition is specified in the same way as in SmartPlant Foundation, but with a few changes.

  • Any properties used must be prefixed with a full stop.

  • Any environment variables must be surrounded by @ symbols

  • Any constants must be surrounded by double quotes"". Properties and relationships must be Data Validator properties and they must have an export map setup.

For example,

  • The Unique Key Definition TG,Name becomes "TG",.Name.

  • The Unique Key Definition TG,CURRENTCONFIG,Name becomes "TG",@CURRENTCONFIG@,.Name.

  • The Unique Key Definition TG,CURRENTCONFIG,+SPFTagArea.Name becomes "TG",@CURRENTCONFIG@,+SPFTagArea.Name.

  • A formatting check is performed as you enter the unique key details. A green tick indicates that the data format is correct.

  • A schema check is performed as you save the stage object to target object mapping.

  • The supported environment variables are: @CURRENTCONFIG@, @CONFIGLEVEL1@, @CONFIGLEVEL2@, @CONFIGLEVEL3@, @CONFIGLEVEL4@, and @CONFIGLEVEL5@. These variables are not case sensitive.