Resolve Duplicates - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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The file system may contain several copies of the same file. The files might have different file extensions, or they might be located in different folders. More than one file with the same name could also exist. After the Document Discovery Task runs, a document might be related to more than one file.

You must use the Resolve Duplicate Documents feature in the Web Client to resolve the duplicate documents and approve them for signoff. For more information, see Resolve duplicate documents.

You must identify a master file to resolve any duplication. Once the master file is identified, you can keep the other duplicate files for reference or delete them from the database. You can assign the following statuses to a file:




The file status is not set. This is the default status for the files when duplicates are found.


The file is the latest and is selected for content and tag extraction.


This file is the latest, but it is excluded from content and tag extraction.


This file is an older version that needs to be stored in the database for future reference.


This file is an older version that is not needed for reference, and it can be stored at a physical location outside the application.

Resolve Duplicates