Step classification - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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Details of the properties and functionality exposed by these interfaces are given in the sections that follow.

SPFStepDefClass class

This class holds the library of step definitions that can be used in a workflow.

ISPFStepDefClass interface

ISPFStepDefClass is the primary interface of SPFStepDefClass class the workflow step class that holds the library of step definitions.

The following properties are found on this interface.



Set on


The name of the process to be run (only applicable for process steps)

New/Update Step Definition Class form


Must enter a password to sign off the step

New/Update Step Definition Class form


Set to prevent the workflow step from being rejected to another workflow

New/Update Step Definition Class form


Allow the workflow to be completed, but leave the step in the user's inbox waiting for acknowledgement

New/Update Step Definition Class form


When set, the file attached to the workflow object is searched accordingly, and attached to the email. For example: SPFEmailFileAttachmentCriteria="*report*"

New/Update Step Definition Class form

SPFStepDefStepClass relationship definition

SPFStepDefStepClass links the workflow step definitions to the step class. This relationship is configured by the workflow administrator on the Step Definition Create and Update forms.

SPFStepClassStepType relationship definition

The SPFStepClassStepType relationship links the workflow step type to the workflow step class. It describes the behavior of the step based on internal code. It is configured by the workflow administrator on the Step Class Create and Update forms.

SPFStepClassActionEmail relationship definition

SPFStepClassActionEmail links the ActionEmailDef to the step class. This email is sent to the recipient when a step action is required. This relationship is configured by the workflow administrator on the Step Class Create and Update forms.

SPFStepClassClaimEmail relationship definition

SPFStepClassClaimEmail links the ActionEmailDef to the step class. This email is sent to all recipients of the role or step when a step is claimed depending on the action flag. This relationship is configured by the workflow administrator on the Step Class Create and Update forms.

SPFStepClassInfoEmail relationship definition

SPFStepClassInfoEmail links the ActionEmailDef to the step class. This email is sent to the recipient when an information step is triggered. This relationship is configured by the workflow administrator on the Step Class Create and Update forms.

SPFStepClassOverdueEmail relationship definition

SPFStepClassOverdueEmail links the ActionEmailDef to the step class. This email is sent to the recipient when a step action is overdue. This relationship is configured by the workflow administrator on the Step Class Create and Update forms.

SPFStepClassRejectEmail relationship definition

SPFStepClassRejectEmail links the ActionEmailDef to the step class. This email is sent to the recipient when a step is rejected. This relationship is configured by the workflow administrator on the Step Class Create and Update forms.

SPFStepClassSignOffEmail relationship definition

SPFStepClassSignOffEmail links the ActionEmailDef to the step class. This email is sent to the recipient when a step is signed off.

SPFStepClassMethod relationship definition

SPFStepClassStepMethod links the methods to the workflow step classes. It controls the methods available to different steps in the workflow.

SPFNotificationDefEmailDef relationship definition

SPFNotificationDefEmailDef defines the relationship between the NotificationDef and the EmailDef.When the recipient configures for an email, or both the notification and an email, the email is sent using the EmailDef configured on the relationship.

The actions available at each step in a workflow are configurable as methods related to the step class. The same action can be configured on two different step classes using two similar methods with different display as text. For example, the Accept action would be displayed as “Approve” on an approval step and as “Completed” on a work assignment step. Step actions are only applicable to interactive steps that appear in the users To Do List.

The methods are accessible from steps within three GUI components: To Do List, Edit Workflow, and View Workflow. There are no methods for non-interactive steps, such as Sign Off.

SPFStepDef class

This class holds the library of step definitions that can be used in a workflow.

ISPFStepDef interface

ISPFStepDef is realized by the SPFStepDef class, which represents the workflow step definition.

The following properties are found on this interface.



Set on


The name of the process to be run (only applicable for process steps). When the step is signed off, this invokes predefined code without having to put an extra dedicated step in the workflow,

New/Update Step Definition Class form