Filtering, Sorting and Saving Results - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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You can filter, sort, and save the edited results in both an access control query and an access group query.

Filter the query results

You can filter the displayed results in each of the access control or access group columns to narrow the results and get a manageable set of data.

Click Filter on a column header, and select the criteria required. The list is update to match the criteria selected.

If you can choose a conditioning value, such as Is equal to or Contains, when you click Filter the list is dynamically updated to only show rows that match the selected value.

Sort the query results

When you have a set of access control or access group results displayed in the grid view, you can sort each column list into either an ascending (A-Z) order or a descending (Z-A) order by clicking the column header.

Save the results

Click Save when you have finished editing an access control query or access groups query. The changes are then applied to the SmartPlant Foundation database.