Model the classification - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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Use the Schema Editor to model classification trees to describe the breakdown of documents, tags, assets and, so on in the system in terms of the customer's structure or their client’s structure. For more information, see Creating the classification tree hierarchy.

The classification tree is created as a hierarchy of related objects with optional interfaces instantiated to manage the creation and query of classified objects. The classification trees are modeled with the following interfaces as described in the Classified Object Model section:

  • Primary Interface (required) for example, IMyEquipClass.

  • ISPFObjClass (required) defines this as a classification object.

  • ISPFSubscribableItem (required) to support user subscription to the class trees. If this is not needed, then this interface does not need to be realized.

  • ISPFDisplayOverride (optional). If this is not needed, then this interface does not need to be realized.

  • Optional Interface 1, 2… to control specific node functionality.

It is not always applicable to have all the create and query methods available from all nodes of the tree, particularly the top node. This is the reason for the optional interfaces.

The optional interfaces will have the client methods and also the relationships to the ClassDefs to create. If more than one family of objects is to be managed by the tree, it must use more than one optional interface.

The Unique Key needs to include the occurrence property if the tree is to support more than one node with the same name:

Unique Key = Prefix,Name,SPFClassificationOccurrence

Example unique keys for the classification ClassDefs:

  • For regular classifications, use:



  • If uniqueness is to be enforced in the whole tree, then the key is simply:
